Discussion for article #223509
The Bubble has whole stores that sell only Guns and Liquid Paper/White-Out.
If only they could scrub their souls…
The GOP is now entirely like an individual with a deranged abusive spouse - tense, wide-eyed, on constant alert to be prepared to revise comments / statements should they be deemed unacceptable by the deranged abusive spouse.
What a disgusting spectacle the Republicans are. Should the military change the saying from, “Leave no man behind” to, “Lets hold a vote before we abandon our solidiers.”
What a way to commemorate Memorial Day.
I know that there is nothing more solemn than the pledge to never leave one of their own behind on the field of battle, except for cheap partisanship and reactionary politics.
The hypocritic oath is strong.
Support the troops!*
*Void where prohibited by Republican talking points.
Is it wrong that I’m smiling?
The information about Bowe’s frustration with the military and possible desertion has been out there for 5 years, so scrubbing your support and love for him from your website is really pathetic.
So like the Politburo when the General Secretary changed his mind. Of course the real Politburo members had the Cheka to fear. Who/what are these Republicans afraid of?
Another reason to love the digital age. Their hypocrisy can be immortalized.
Their voters.
The GOP, from top to bottom and including their media lapdogs, is completely devoid of even a small amount of humanity. These are not people in any traditional sense. These are programmed automatons whose only goal is to destroy everything around themselves and to feed. In essence, they are a cancer. What do you do with cancer?
“I know that there is nothing more solemn than the pledge to never leave one of their own behind on the field of battle.”
Well, except to score political points against the black democrat in the White House.
Exactly. Just like Sarah Palin, pretending that his disquiet was something new. So either you were a bandwagon jumper then, or you’re one now. Either way you clearly don’t delve deeper to find out the facts of issues you support or knock. Not like that is in any way shocking.
What do you do with cancer?
Cut it out. Burn it out with chemicals. Do everything possible including cut the infected portion off.
There are plenty of things to take away cancer, but one has to be willing and able to do it.
In this case, that’s what elections are for and we have no one to blame but ourselves for letting this get so far out of control.
I wonder where Rinse Pubis, the Republican National Committee Chair and possible 2016 Republican Presidential candidate, stands on the issue of whether American soldiers should tried here in America or by the Taliban for things they are accused of doing or not doing.
This just goes to show that there is not a shred of consistency or logic on the right these days. The only constant is: whatever Obama did, we are against it.
Edited to add: …and it might be impeachable.
can’t scrub what you don’t have.