Discussion for article #242258
“Gosh, fellas! This comes as a total surprise!”
I was worried he’d run for President against Hillary in 2020 … I don’t think he’ll even be in the House anymore by then.
We are collectively screwed
I don’t think he’ll even be in the House anymore by then.
That is my guess too, though I still think he’s got the White House on the mind.
He can have the WH on his mind as he’s looking out the window from a K Street sinecure.
Cantor, McCarthy, Ryan - yep, the Young Guns are now officially finished.
Here is a live look at his reaction… http://newsdailynow.com/2015/10/28/reaction/
Eddie Munster being the favorite for Speaker of the House three days before Halloween is somehow fitting.
Dead man walking!
he got 200 votes in his caucus (I assume the 43 for Danny Dingbat were the FC.) He needs 218. Are 18 of the FC going to become RINOs?
A new low for Congress…a Speaker who can’t add.
For fact check please refer to the Ryan budget while a VP candidate.
So. His POLITICAL CAREER is now basically over. Nowhere to go but down politically now.
Look for him to retire to a job as CEO of “Americans for Prosperity” after his stint as Speaker is over.
I’ll bet the KOCH BROS. are ecstatic to have one of their sock-puppets two-heartbeats away from the Presidency however.
So every dem WILL vote for Nancy, eh? How is the Freedom C. selecting it’s sacrificial BBQ?
I am totally confused… What is the significantly of the number 218? Thought that was the required number.
a youthful overachiever
In what fucking parallel universe is this description accurate? Paul Ryan is a complete con artist - a master at sounding thoughtful and competent while peddling the Royal Quality Assortment of Bullshit in his budget proposals.
Probably because a shitload of people, including bad reporters, eat it up?
Short, bitter, pro forma speech backgrounded by the unsmiling faces of rumpled Kathy McMorris Rodgers and the untrustable Kevin McCarthy…The Spandex Speaker and these people are not happy.
Does that mean that Joe Biden will come and humiliate him again on national TV? Cool!
Well, the Freedom Caucasians wanted a Speaker with no leadership experience. They have their man.