Discussion: Republicans Duck Questions, Play Down Trump's Attack On Gillibrand

Disgusting, beneath contempt, miles below anything we can accept as Christian or even human behavior.

And their program doesn’t even actually work? Tell me, while the economy is going great guns, doesn’t it make more sense to pay down the national debt now? Raise taxes. Clinton did that, and it resulted in the greatest growth in American history.

Today’s GOP is little more than a gang. Their “turf” is the entire US. They lie, cheat, steal and intimidate to protect their turf. Examples abound, starting with gerrymandering and ending with their latest fraud, their tax plan. Meanwhile, they shield Trump (an obvious criminal) from prosecution.

I’ve heard that the GOP might shed Trump after he signs their latest theft, the tax plan, into law. I don’t think so. They will ALWAYS find new ways to screw non-donors.

It’s what they do.

Don’t think like me? Tell me, isn’t it CRIMINAL to sentence millions to death, for any reason? That’s the GOP’s “health plan.” The US spent 50 years chasing down Nazi criminals after WWII. **The GOP’s “health plan” will kill even more. Haven’t they opened themselves up to prosecution by (at least) RICO? Why not? Why doesn’t EVERYONE see the GOP as a criminal organization?

Where’s the GOP plan for health care or pharmaceutical price controls, infrastructure repair, gun control, opioid addiction or control of the military budget (which at last count amounted to 50% of the ENTIRE WORLD’S budget for defense departments)? Bad roads, unlimited guns, opioids, unlimited guns and essentially unavailable health care kill MILLIONS of Americans year by year.

Meanwhile, the Republican tax plan in its current form gets rid of the estate tax, which affects less than 0.5% of Americans, the richest of the wealthiest, the incomprehensibly wealthy. The people who pay Republican campaign bills.

It also says anyone who lost their homes to fires, everything they’ve saved for their whole lives, will be screwed. We’re going to literally kill off those pesky Puerto Rico residents, American VI residents, Mexicans (God help American farmers), and other foreigners, among those who live and work in Silicon Valley.

I’ve heard Paul Ryan described as (in the most memorable phrase) a “zombie-eyed granny-starver.” I can’t dispute that in any way. Mitch McConnell, really? How stupid, how beneath contempt, are his electors?

The GOP is a criminal organization. It’s time for real Americans to step up and recognize that.

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Hey Gillibrand…why in hell did you force Al Franken to resign and jeopardize any chance Democrats could take back the Senate?

Gillibrand and the Democrats are stupid…totally stupid!



His tweets are documented and a matter of public record. Somebody might want to tell him.


Pulling their heads into their shells? O yeah. I just hope they all get good and sick of answering for the Monster.


I was going to say it’s amazing when a Republican agrees with Rachel Maddow, that’s what she’s been saying since he took office. These tweet tantrums is just to distract from the harm his administration is actually doing.

I’d love to hear the WH Press Corp ask Sanders: “Your fellow republican’s say the President’s tweets are just a distraction and should be ignored. What does the President think about being ignored by his own party?”

Since they were at a Bible study, someone could have told the germaphobe president to read the one about Jesus healing the lepers and the lesson to be thankful.

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They dont want to get a mean tweet tomorrow… hey gop this is what you signed up for when you decided to play dumb and support trump

I can’t see how it’s a distraction when everyone can see what he’s doing.

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Dems are finally doing what I’ve been calling for for weeks. We don’t need any more info to demand Trump’s resignation. I want them to call for his resignation based on #trumprussia because the evidence of conspiracy and disloyal behavior is more than sufficient to conclude that Trump is unfit and cannot fulfill the oath of office. But starting here on sexual harassment is a bit easier because the Republicans have no effective response. When the resignation and the impeachment words get into the collective word cloud it becomes a demand or expectation of the electorate. It makes Mueller’s job easier and lets people know that if you vote Dem, you’ll get accountability for Trump and his associates.


Will Republicans run a pedophile or a draft dodger or a money launderer and Russian sympathizer for Al Franken’s Senate seat in Minn.?

Gillibrand is stupid…stacking the deck in the Senate so Republicans can hold the majority. Why on earth would you force Al Franken to resign without Republicans doing the same with their Senators and Reps who are far worse than Al. Republicnas will fight for their rapists and pedophiles if it means keeping majority rule in the House and Senate.

Gillibrand…you are a fool!

I’d like to suggest a new title for the article:

"Republicans say don’t listen to Trump’s tweets and find role models that “focus on the issues, not personal attacks.”

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Blumenthal says that even after a year of the President’s controversial, insult-laced statements on social media, this morning’s comment on Gillibrand stands out.

I can think of some that are more repugnant :
-“Obama our Welfare & Food Stamp President…He doesn’t believe in work.”
-Obama has “absolutely no control (or respect) over the African American community”
-Obama has “done such a poor job as president, you won’t see another black president for generations!”
-Mitt Romney “one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of Republican politics”

  • You must admit that Bryant Gumbel is one of the dumbest racists around - an arrogant dope with no talent. Failed at CBS etc-why still on TV?
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 21, 2013
    -Obama wants “to deny due process to the police. He’ll give all constitutional rights to the terrorists but not our cops”
    There is a list of Dotard tweets online.

I don’ feel sorry for Gillibrand. After the hit job she and her coven did on Al Franken, Trump can have at her.

Yes, yes, and yes again. My first reaction and comment about this was, remember this tweet.Trump revealed himself as a sexist pig who thinks nothing of sexually harassing a sitting U.S. Senator. Trump is a sexually aggressive, inappropriate 71 yr old man who unfit to be POTUS. He is as much an albatross around the GOP as Moore. He is the head of the Republican Party.


He is every bit as much an albatross around their necks. They’ll never get this stench off.


The new canned Republican response to any question from the press during the Trump regime:

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I think all of that Trump shit you’ve been eating has finally settled in your brain.
BTW, how’s tricks under the bridge, troll?

Remember how, during the 2008 election, every time any Dem had anything to say about the stupidity of Miss Sarah Goddamned Palin, the entire GOP acted like it was tantamount to gang-raping Joan of Arc?


How are those two things different? Donald Trump is not a man of his word?

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I agree, sadly.

In 2008 trumpp said Clinton would make a good president.