Discussion: Republicans Duck Questions, Play Down Trump's Attack On Gillibrand

I can cut it down to two words: Tax Cuts Uber Alles.

(Yeah, Republican’ts suck at math too…)


I agree with Senator Blumenthal.


It’s one of those unanswerable questions: how did our country get stuck with brain dead sheeple who go along to get along. Of course it’s about money and who can pay the most to buy a Senator, but both Blumenthal and Senator Murphy of CT have been so eloquent even at the height of their grief about Sandy Hook. For that alone they’ll always have my respect.


I saw a photo of him from about 8 years ago or so. He had on a slimmer fitting suit. However, it showcased the fact that he has really small shoulders and a large stomach. I’m sure vanity resulted in the distorted clothing we now see.


Collusion has no legal meaning in federal law.

It’s the conspiracy to collude that will get them all.

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At least Corker was up front about it.


No federal relief for Republicans in Congress until PR is made whole!

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You’re being over-generous. Dumb is better than mendacious.

“But we see, you say. And so your sin remains.”

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That’s right. He thinks wearing a too-big suit at all times hides his paunch and fat ass.

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I think your order of the President’s activities is ass-backwards.


I wonder if there is a legal charge of gross negligence and gross incompetency?

I wish that they would of showed the cursor scrubbing off the orange gunk.

Then he needs to go full on Hammer Time with the Vanilla Ice Hair.

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I remember when HRC left State and Republicans gave her some compliments, then regretted it later when she announced her presidential candidacy. I suspect the GOP remembers, too.

I honestly don’t understand how the man doesn’t end up before the bar with a disbarment hearing.

But it blows such a huge hole in the original WH take on Trump’s tweets, that one has to wonder about national security implications.

Either path forward from that point should be really, really bad for Trumpers. Either Trump did make the tweet (the most likely) and admitted to Obstruction, or his lawyer did (which is so far beyond absurd to be laughable in any other situation), which should definitely result in disbarment and force a Congressional inquiry into exactly who IS using Trump’s twitter account to make, as the WH argued, official WH statements and policy?


These people actually attend bible study? This is a joke, right? Most of the people who attend these so-called “bible study” groups just use them as an excuse to piss and moan about people and things they don’t like. If someone like Rounds or Lankford really looked at and processed the words in their “bible study” classes, they would throw themselves in front of the nearest moving bus.

“I think it’s simply one of those cases where it’s best if we look at what the President does and not pay attention to the tweets,” Rounds told reporters with a shrug

welcome back 2016

Respectful dialogue and disagreement sets a better example for our children and the world. Our leaders should focus on the issues, not personal attacks,”


Ahhhh - they apparently don’t look at what he does either.


Well they are following Mitch’s lead.

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