Discussion: Republicans Dealt A Quiet Blow To O-Care In The Cromnibus

Discussion for article #231120

Curious to see what else has been snuck into the Cromnibus. Evil geniuses finally figured out how to make Obama own any shutdown if the bill is vetoed.


Hate to say it but I think the President got played like a bass drum on this one.


Nah. He’s been giving in to both Republican requests and Republican demands since day one.


“But smaller insurers might be relying on the risk corridor program”

In other words, it’s an attack on small business and more support for the plutocrat ruling class at their expense…and another missed opportunity by the Dems to fucking message something like that.


Elections have consequences, regardless how few people choose to vote in them. I’m really not interested in coming to this site to join disaffected progressives crying in their beer over every GOP legislative victory during Obama’s lame duck term. The fault is not in our stars, it is in ourselves. Time to move on and rebuild.


Insurance companies need to explain stuff to Republicans, lest their obscene profits become less so and lest Republicans destroy everything. And they need to do it damn quick!

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The people who got played are the ones who voted for republicans or didn’t vote at all, but they’re too stupid and/or lazy to realize it. Thanks a bunch.


In the 2012 elections, which put the current Congress in, Democratic House candidates got 1.36 million more votes than Republican House candidates.


Nope, the voters played themselves. This hurts the voters, particularly the constituencies that didn’t vote. The fact that the Republicans are willing to fund the government beyond the new Congress is itself a coup for Democrats. Part of the reason it’s a gift is because a new funding bill will be debated right as Republicans begin their debate season. This will more than likely force most Republican candidates to take a “severely conservative” stance against any budget that can be agreed to. Democrats will be in the position to make greater and greater demands because Republicans will desperately want to avoid a shutdown at all costs. Democrats are right to take their lumps now and cash in later. Voters that get screwed only screwed themselves.


Obama had better read this bill he was so eager to pass. It sucks big time!


and i have no doubt there are even more destructive riders tucked away… and this was the awesome that harry reid was able to negotiate… wonder if the white house was aware of this…

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Thanks Democrats. Not only do you help pass a bill to weaken financial reform, but you also overturn marijuana legalization in DC, hurt Obamacare, and probably many other things that haven’t been reported yet. No wonder we don’t see any reason to vote for you. When they have the power to stand up for Democratic policies, they instead help Republicans pass their bill.


So Republicans are for bailing out Wall Street, but not health insurance companies. Got it. I think they’re just fundamentally opposed to commonsense.


Just think, in 9 months they get to do it again.


don’t forget the pensions that can now be reduced…


[“I think it’s important, but I don’t think it’s the end of the world,”
Jost said, explaining that major insurers should have the bandwidth to
absorb any adverse effects.]

WTF? Ever hear of “Death by a 1,000 cuts?” The way so many Democrats and much too often, the President, are so eager to go along with the Republicans, it won’t take nearly 1K to do the job. And…the “major insurers”??? Oh…ok…just “f*ck the smaller providers, huh?” Really smart.

The “bipartisanship and cooperation” the f*cking Republicans have demonstrated for the past four+years should provide a perfect template for working with them NOW!


SOMEBODY will have to figure out a way to outvote Bagger-voters. In earlier posts, I proposed the Democratic Party paying a consulting firm 200 million dollars with the task of finding some way to animate people under 50 to vote for the Democratic Party (with the same type of effectiveness that Madison Avenue turned an entire generation into “cyber-communicators”).

Short of something like this, we’re on our own.

I was very hopeful that the story a few days ago featuring Millennials would be a start in moving on. Instead there was generational in-fighting. Which was good because it airs out feelings that are, for each age cohort, legitimate.

What was bad was the (apparently attactive in American mass culture) “doubling down”. No “Hmmm”. No accommodation. No “I see your point, let me add this from my perspective”. None of that.

What was hilarious was the fact that, upon leaving the site, I watch a ballgame on TV and guess what appeared in 8 out of 12 commercials? You guessed it. A new way to implement gadgetized “communication”.

Hopefully, there will be another Millennial-versus-Boomer slugfest. There will be more blood. But, maybe, in the next one, there will be ONE accommodator. Then, during the next slugfest, TWO. Then three.

And so on.


Honest question: What choice do they have? They can potentially pass a short, stop-gap measure, or they can refuse to pass anything and then it will simply be kicked to the next Congress. If you think this is a shitshow, what do you think the next Congress will bring? Democrats simply aren’t in a position to hold out for a better deal. Democratic non-voters made sure of that.


These things are going to happen. It’s like other social programs that stay in place but Republicans can limit funds or whatever. Next few years are going to be depressing on this front. It’s going to be a continual rear guard defensive action.