Uh huh. And maybe it’s because Trump can’t stand you and Mitch and liked the shiny new objects in front of his fat, orange face.
Spineless, gutless non-wonder chows down on another dog’s breakfast.
Shorter Eddie: I see our incompetence as a virtue.
Ryan doesn’t know shit from shinola about the credit markets and can’t add two and two without getting ganymede so all this is only the usual waffle before he decides to furrow his widow’s peak and cave or lower his eyebrow slightly while sternly rephrasing.
Seriously, trying to make sense of Trump’s babble might make you schizophrenic or even psychotic but listening to Ryan is suffocating; like being pushed face-first through a bowl of oatmeal.
PS: Those unfamiliar with Ryan’s lack of genuine wonk chops leavened by his notable talent for lying and economic/budgetary bullshit should read a few Krugman posts on the topic.
Do ya think it’s cus they’re hungry ? ? …
Will Republicans around the nation notice that Donald just delivered a sucker punch to them? Then he delivered another punch later in the day, when he called the Dem Senator Heikamp to the stage while in North Dakota.
As an ex plant ecologist, I was always struck by the way that humans and human communities are tied to their landscapes and how the landscape mediates their social attitudes.
I’m speculating that, counterintuitively, Trump has, in many ways, more in common with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, especially Chuck, because all of them are city folks. Chuck was born in Brooklyn, Nancy and her husband moved to San Francisco from New York years ago. On the other hand McConnell and Ryan are both “rubes” at heart. I’m guessing that the banter coefficient is quite negligible as regards the latter pair and high with the former. And if you can banter with trump, that may be half the battle in getting what you want.
The GOTP establishment hated Thr Donald’s squid-inking everything every time He stepped on His own crank.
Now, to defend themselves from Him; they will grab train loads of the stuff
You’re saying we must exploit the Banter Gap.
I am.
Anybody else think TPM is making way too much of this?
Trump has struck a bipartisan deal to 1. Get disaster relief money out asap, 2. Avoid a debt ceiling fight right now, and 3. Allow him and congress to focus on other issues- namely healthcare and tax reform.
“Republicans in disarray!”
Andrea? Chuckie? Shep? Tweety?
It is likely you are giving Trump far too much credit for tactical thinking. The “Trump’s Razor” answer is that he’s been very publicly ticked off with Ryan and McConnell ever since the health care debacle and this is his way of saying “F-you, I’m the President and you need to fall in line.”
But it has to be American Made Banter!
OT:Good to see you.
If this wasn’t so funny it would be … sad.
I think this is another brilliant plan by the Orange One to get out of being president. He can’t resign and keep his brand. Republicans won’t run him out based on all the egregiously illegal shit he’s pulled. It’s clear that the only way Republicans will seriously consider impeaching him is if he becomes a Democrat.
Eleventy dimensional chess at its most sophisticated.
In classic GOP style it seems the left hand never knows what the left hand is doing.
the only chess term tRump knows is rook - it’s what you do to your contractors.
He he …
All thumbs —