With friends like this, who needs enemas?
Of course they’re silent. This is Trump’s party as last night showed and he approves this message. The rest of their leadership are feckless cowards as has been amply demonstrated. This sentiment is why we have little kids in basically jail, separated from their families.
The Republican diversity and inclusion program especially includes those who are totally against either diversity or inclusiveness. And equity? That doesn’t even get a mention.
Aren’t they at least “concerned” and “disappointed” by Steve?
“Rep. Steve King (R-IA) retweeted a neo-Nazi on Tuesday morning. He has faced no consequences for the tweet, and the leaders of his party have so far remained silent.”
So, is there anybody left who still wants to tsk, tsk, tsk TPM posts that compare the GOP to Nazis?
At this point, I’m certain Steve King has more juice with the base than Mitch or Paul. They probably don’t dare admonish him.
Eventually, he’s going to show up for work with an SS tattoo on his neck, and Paul Ryan will chuckle and shake his head at the rascal.
Are they silent because their party has been found out that they are Neo-Nazis?
Or have they been so stupid that they know not what they have done to our country?
Did Nazi that coming…
Rep. Steve King (R-IA)
retweeteda neo-Nazion Tuesday morning. He has faced no consequencesfor the tweet, and the leaders of his party have so far remained silent.
Superfluous words stricken.
It was always there, like Atwater said. Just coarser now, more obvious, more shameless, more without limits. We take children from their parents now and put them in camps. So why would anyone be fussy about whether or not you call yourself what you are? We’re well past that.
This is the state of the party. There’s no reason for any of them to comment because they condone it and are okay with it. This is where we are, and the Republican party is so far beyond decayed, I don’t see a way for them to recover from this.It may take weeks, it may take months… but I think we are seeing the permanent end to a once mainstream political party.
Gee, I haven’t been this surprised since I was a kid and my parents decided to give me unwrapped Xmas presents.
Not specific to Steve King, but I sincerely hope the next Democratic President will fully investigate every violation of the criminal code from Trump to his family and cabinet down to Congess and his cronies. We simply cannot move forward as a country until justice is served and things are put right. This must happen and is nonnegotiable as far as I’m concerned. This is what we get for letting Bush cronies get away with crimes during that administration.
I am so tired of this RW BS and freaking lies about what everyone else believes. And then the total cowardice to call them out on it. This is America dammit.
More profiles in courage for the republican leadership. They sink farther and farther down the sewer every day.
“far beyond decayed”
Hell, I can smell the carrion all the way here at my computer desk.
Were there some magical way of having a high resolution version of that image showing all the people who were dead of “unnatural causes” by May of 1945 - it would be interesting.