Let that sink in, folks!
Wouldn’t you enjoy just looking at that headline all day long?
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump doesn’t crash the whole healthcare system just to prove he is a big tough guy. At this point, he really doesn’t have much to lose, does he?
Trump isn’t a Republican, he’s not a conservative. Trump isn’t a Democrat, he’s not a liberal. He has no ideology other than that which preserves and advances himself. Trump is a Trumpian, he has contempt for the U.S. Constitution, the legal system, ethics, manners, morality, common sense, anyone who disagrees with him, and citizens in general. He loves and looks out for only one thing, himself.
A growing, bipartisan group of House members released a proposal on Monday to stabilize the individual market by having Congress appropriate the CSR money, guaranteeing stability by taking the decision out of Trump’s hands altogether.
And just think, that wouldn’t even be necessary if House Republicans hadn’t sabotaged that portion of the law six years ago, and then sued to get those payments declared illegal!
John Thune is from South Dakota, not Tennessee. He got his seat in 2004 by beating Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle.
Oh please, do kill the CSRs
The CSRs only apply to silver plans, not gold or bronze. The tax subsidies only apply to silver plans.
Take out the CSRs and the cost of silver will rise to the same as gold. And then everyone will get bigger subsidies and many will get gold for the same out of pocket cost as silver
always remember one of Trump’s fundamental rules of business & life is:
“Screw you - I don’t care - I’m not going to pay the bill”
I posted this in another thread, but it is just as appropriate, if not more so, here.
Obviously Republicans get a lot of money from insurance companies so they don’t want them hurt. Worse, there is no way Trump’s antics aren’t going to rebound to him and through him to elected Republicans. What Trump is threatening is stupid and self defeating which is precisely why he is going to do it.
Sen. Thune, just a few days ago voted to do what he’s cautioning Trump not to do.
Pass appropriations bill to properly fund the CSRs and that issue goes away and Trump’s threat goes bye bye.
I think the Reps (or at least the less-dim wits among them) are finally, slowly, painfully realizing that they do not have a Republican President. The current occupant of the White House belongs to the Party of Trump, and nothing besides.
Fascinating. And like the sanctions bill that just passed both the House and the Senate with veto proof majorities, so did this Act at the time it passed. Nixon was forced to sign it because he didn’t have the votes to override it with his veto.
As I understand it though, the money was already appropriated, its just that Tom Price and tRump want to hold it back, and are threatening to do so. I’m sure this money was already baked in the cake when the ACA was passed. What I’m unsure about is whether it needs to be renewed in appropriations every single year, if you understand what I mean. Either way, this Act from 1974 would get that money released by HHS and sent to the prescribed insurance companies for back payment. A promise is a promise. So if the gov’t makes an arrangement with the insurance companies originally in the law, it is up to HHS to release the money as promised, and then request Congress later to replenish those funds it would seem.
What Price and tRump and many of these GOPers don’t realize too is, if people lose their insurance it will have a ripple effect on the rest of the economy, not just the insurance markets collapsing in some parts of the country. That’s a real way to cut off your nose to spite your face…and just plain stupid.
" … guaranteeing stability by taking the decision out of Trump’s hands altogether."
It’s like were dealing with a crazed madman or a serial killer with a gun to the hostage’s head and the cops are pleading to please give us the gun. Oh, wait …
Despite many protests to the contrary, there is no method to Trump’s threats to unleash chaos. Repealing Obamacare was always going to be a heavy lift and so, in a normally functioning executive branch, the president’s staff would have been all over the specific contours of whatever bill was being proposed – who would lose, how much, and how to message the changes. For instance, Trump would have told Ryan to stand down on the provisions that turned the basic Medicaid program into a block grant.
Obama’s administration did a good job at the front end of the process by having laser focus on which groups would be affected and how, but they fell down at the back end messaging (and had no help from a lot of Dems, and the law was hard to explain).
At any rate, the point is, this is an exercise that is particularly resistant to just blustering your way to an outcome. Yet, Trump still doesn’t get it. Bluster is literally all he can do.
Hey, great idea! Don’t sabotage the ACA! Why didn’t the Democrats think of this?
And so it begins
This is what they need to do. Over and over again. Clip his wings. The downside is the risk that to get back at them he will use whatever power he does have in unpredictable and potentially catastrophic ways. Our president: a real life nightmare!
Buckle up for another trip down the rabbit hole. Now the GOP Congress is trying to shield people from THEIR president–their PRESIDENT–by helping to shore up what they once were determined to sabotage. If I can reach, and really reach, for another analogy, we’re reclining on a surrealistic pillow.