Discussion: Republican Governor Hopes Obamacare Lawsuit Fails In Supreme Court

right being the operative word.

But the state doesn’t have to do anything except have some techie put the already-running Wyoming site from healthcare.gov onto wyo.gov. The politicians don’t even have to dirty their hands.

Anyway, I know Sahil will have a sad, but this case will be decided for the government and probably by 6-3 or greater margin. The health insurer and hospital stocks have risen, not fallen since the Court took this case. That’s what’s known in poker as a “tell”.


I remember when I was young and thought Republicans could ultimately be counted on to act rationally. In my defense, when I was young they COULD be counted on to act rationally.


I hope the Governor is not holding his breath waiting for his fellow Republicans to provide a fix if SCOTUS rules against O-care. They can’t even decide if they want to pass a budget now that they are in charge.

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The GOTP set the house on fire (create the crisis)

Then wonder how to put it out…(but have no solution)

Typical TPub thought process.


“If on June 30, if that’s when the case comes down, and they say no more subsidies for federal exchanges … it is going to cause a lot of turmoil,” he said at a press conference, as quoted by the paper. “Not just for the state, and for those people, but for the private sector as well.”

This just underscores the insanity of the case the Supreme Court is deciding. A Supreme Court ruling saying that the law does not allow for subsidies on the Federal exchange would only cause turmoil because EVERYONE has been interpreting the law to provide for such subsidies.



I can’t balance my budget without it!


Actually, it’s probably a bit more than “here a tape of the website” - you need to configure high volume database services, create and run business processes for capturing and processing the data, etc. It would probably be a lot simpler to just sign a contract between the state and the folks running the Federal exchange promising to run their portion of the website for $1 per year. State governments contract out for services all the time, as far as I can tell the problem here is just the implicit nature of the rollover to a Federal exchange if the state didn’t do anything.

Now, this would actually require each state actually do something, and certainly some would avoid doing so out of spit and general orneriness but that would at least make clear who’s to blame for the failure and would get at least some folks back in compliance quickly.

Since the ruling has already happened and it has enormous consequences, I wonder if any of the SCOTUS mavens here would like to comment on the possibility that it’s been leaked.

A classic case of “be careful what you wish for.” If the court rules in favor of the suit, the backlash is going to be horrendous, and the GOP will be forced to do one of two things:

  1. Write and pass a fix in Congress, which, of course, flies directly in the face of the never-ending votes to repeal the ACA, or

  2. Accept the blame for millions of people losing their coverage AND insurance companies scrambling to raise rates to cover the shrinking pool of members.

Either way, they’re going to incur the wrath of the people…those who lose coverage or experience much higher rates…or…those who supported their efforts and feel betrayed if they enact a fix. Sucks to be them.

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“Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead said that although he opposes Obamacare…”

Oh GIVE IT UP, you spineless freeper! How the hell can these creeps talk out of both sides of their ass at the same time so easily??

When will a GOP elected leader admit that OBAMACARE IS WORKING?!


Of course the GOP gov of Wyoming wants the lawsuit to fail at the Supremes; Wyoming is a moocher, just like most of the other red states.

“Pussy-toed cowards”? What on earth is a pussy toe? Trying to picture one and failing entirely.

Seems that these asshats are starting to get the calls from Anthem, United Healthcare, and all the hospitals and big doctor practices. Gee, it turns out that Obamacare has been very good for them after all.