Discussion for article #244579
Huh. I figured it would be there to represent his contribution to the nation.
I wonder where he’s getting that “9 million” number. It might be a worldwide stat, but there’s no way it’s just a US number - which is the only country “under his watch”.
Does someone want to inform rep. King that the average per year is lower now than it was under Shrub, and significantly lower than under St. Ronnie? Or should we wait until he’s comfy on that lil fainting couch of his?
than 9 million babies aborted under his watch."
Actual number of babies aborted - 0
Or, the vacuum of space that inhabits the inside of his head.
King said that he would also leave his own seat vacant
Along with his mind —
Clint Eastwood plans to argue with an empty seat tonight because
A. It worked so well before,
B. It’s hard to lose an argument with a piece from a dining room set, and
C. Conservatives are, in general, horrible people and invidious jerks.
"I will be in the Member’s chapel praying for God to raise up a leader whom he will use to restore the Soul of America,”
Jesus called. He said he and his dad are still not impressed with disingenuous public shows of piety designed to garner personal benefit.
Dear Congressman King,
What about the millions of fertilized eggs that never make it? Depending on who you ask, that’s between 50% and 80% of all fertilizations. Conservatively, that’s 4 million babies who never get born. Every year.
Will you keep your seat empty for Nature?
Nope. There are around 1.2M abortions just in the US each year.
But yes, it has gone down, and it would go and would have gone down even further if the GOP/Teatrolls like King hadn’t thrown a racist hissy fit for 7+ years and stood in the way of everything Obama wanted to accomplish simply because they hate that there’s a black guy in the WH. Add in the fact that he’s part of the crew who wants to defund PP, despite PP’s existence actually bringing down the abortion rate in the areas in which it is located, and you’ve got yourself a nice tangy hypocrisy sauce.
Even the GOP lame political stunts are incestuous rip-offs of other people’s ideas.
Another asshat showboater that has no respect for the Office of the Presidency. The level of disrespect for Obama has always been so fucking juvenile, 7 years of GOP idiocy for all to see. What a fucking embarrassment Steve King is…
Where’s my suction-tipped dart gun?..Time to get that baby back out of storage to go all-Elvis on my TV when that fucker shows up on my screen tonight. Oh, and I better start popping my Iowa grown corn early so I can enjoy laughing at that cornhole dummy too.
-- Hey Steve --
Hopefully it will be his seat… this is right wing trash at its worst.
Rep King’s diabolical plan was thwarted when Rep Ghomert sat in the empty seat because he thought it was being saved for him…
King called Obama the “most pro-abortion president ever” in a statement.
… and suggested he might call him President Poopy-pants.
Thanks Iowa
Hey Steve! What we really need is a Supreme Court decision one way or the other: is abortion legal or not?!
And once we get that, protests like yours will end, because they’ll just seem like a spiteful infant holding his breath in a silly protest.
"I will be in the Member’s chapel praying for God to raise up a leader whom he will use to restore the Soul of America,” he said in the statement.
They should follow him to make sure. Even money he spends it in a strip bar.