Wasn’t he a republican before he decided to run for governor? I thought he switched parties to Dem when he ran?
Weird. Usually, rats jump off the ship, not on.
The GOP can have him. Good riddance.
He wants to join the bandwagon. So much winning–the GOP just look irresistible to him. What an idiot. . .
If there is a safe space for rats that will be WV.
He was a Republican aside from 2015-2017… ok… w/e
What an awesome albatross to hang around your neck, dummy.
Allow me to congratulate Gov. Justice on his truly remarkable sense of timing.
Perhaps he could share some market tips while he’s at it?
“Camera friendly”? If this guy is camera friendly, I should be on the cover of GQ. Really.
And his timing is impeccable on this glorious Mueller Thursday.
Since WVA was voted the worst place in America to do business in 2017, what, uh, skills has he brought to his position that made him a billionaire?
And the name of his opioid dealer.
That’s like defecting to the Soviet bloc just before the Wall fell.
(stolen from another comments section)
He’s switching parties to get a tax hike through the state legislature.
Hey, Trump…this isn’t the only justice you’ve got headed your way.
I hear he will also change his name to Jim Carl Covfefe.
(Edited for alliterative purposes)
Any truth to the rumor he’s the missing Huckabee?
‘Justice, a camera-friendly billionaire-turned-politician in the Trumpian mold’
Matt, what does this phrase ‘camera friendly’ even mean? The camera certainly does not love him!
Loving to be in front of a camera? There’s an old line about attention seekers: ‘he’d climb over his dying grandmother to get in front of a camera.’
Your turn of phrase suggests he has a charisma which, I must say, is escaping me.
I’m not sure that I can keep up with West Virginia and its supposedly iconic woes. The voters and their politicians are just deeply confused and self-destructive. I used to spend several weeks a year there, in the beautiful Lost River Valley. It was common (and this is just five years ago) to see boxes on the counters of the gas stations, asking for donations for a member of community struck down by a serious illness–as if a few bucks would put a dent in six-figure medical bills. And then they (or Hardy County) voted Trump in 2016 by a forty-point margin. The Lost River Valley, incidentally, has strangely been a destination for gay couples for some years.