I see, the old “I think I don’t remember” defense. Sounds like the FBI pointed out to Flynn that his public statements don’t exactly square with what he’s told them in interviews. Lying to a federal agent is a crime and Flynn knows it. Perfect opportunity for Bannon to consolidate power by whispering into Donald’s ear that Flynn is dragging him down and should be dumped.
Yes and yes. And yes, yes, yes.
“The network channels seem to be tripping over themselves to ignore this story, too…which is in keeping with their pretending the whole Russia-Trump connection thing has vanished.”
I just don’t fucking understand this. At all. This story will likely be way bigger than Watergate and they want to ignore it.
As for the Logan Act business, I know that it will never be enforced. But it’s a convenient way to describe what Flynn did and how totally unacceptable it is.
And its not going to be something that can be buried. Way too many people are involved and way too many people from numerous countries have been watching.
Just wondering, does anyone remember that the FBI earlier said that these December “holiday” conversations that they listened to were of no concern and nothing of note was said?!! What changed? Something so obvious that even his pet Comey can’t pretend nothing went on?
All together now: “Lock him up! Lock him up!” (repeat, ad nauseum).
It’s just a good thing none of this came out before the election because we might have lost focus from the really important story - Hillary’s e-mails. We just couldn’t have that now, could we?
Nothing changed. The WaPo, who reported the story, was misled by people in the FBI. Remember the NYT back at the end of the October referencing FBI agency saying that David Corn’s article about the Steele dossier was nothing because it had already been checked out? Same thing.
Art of the deal. Trump gets to be President, Russia gets what? Release from sanctions, the Crimea, Ukraine, you name it? We spend 7 million tax dollars and years on Benghazi and all we get about this is awkward silence? Republicans need to step up and lance this boil. Can’t wait to see how Republicans respond to questions about this at their town halls because people are going ask.
For those keeping score, Pence likely perjured himself…
Where are the ghosts of Benghazi when you really need them?
The network channels seem to be tripping over themselves to ignore this story, too.
It’s the responsibility and patriotic duty of the Democratic Party to make sure that the story is not ignored. Be the fucking squeaky wheel every goddamn day. Raise some hell like your own constituents did in Utah last night.
Don’t be shy: just come out and say that Michael Flynn at the minimum violated the Logan Act and appears to be guilty of treason. This ain’t a pillow fight.
Act like a political party. To quote the inestimable Sniffit: “No quarter.”
Trump, the prick ostensibly in charge (although it could really be Bannon) has no control of his team. At this point Trump could be circling the drain.
Not the first time the Logan Act has been violated recently…
And I expect exactly the same result; absolutely NOTHING. Bannon will come up with some new distraction, and this will be forgotten. IOKIYAAR always applies.
They’ve been trying since first finding out there was anything having to do with Russia and Trump. I can’t quite figure out why that is. They treat it like its more about politics than about National Security when they do focus on it. That way they can pit two sides against each other and continue to be as lazy as they want.
In 1980, during Ronald Reagan’s presidential run, William Casey was Reagan’s campaign manager. Casey’s background was in foreign intelligence. In World War II, Casey was the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in London (1943-45). After the war, he directed U.S. intelligence in Europe and had a love for covert operations. Reagan’s vice presidential nominee George Bush [senior] also had an intelligence background–he was director of the CIA from 1976 to 1977.
Strong evidence suggests that both Bush and Casey made a secret deal with Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iranian government to delay the release of American hostages until after the 1980 presidential election. Going into the election, the U.S. government had been deadlocked with Iran for almost a year over the fate of American citizens held by that country. The impasse had become an albatross around President Carter’s neck and CIA-men, Bush and Casey were determined that the hostage issue would not be resolved while Carter was in office. To this end, Bush and Casey allegedly made a secret arrangement with the Iranians to delay the hostages’ release and help ensure Carter’s election defeat.
They treat it like its more about politics than about National Security when they do focus on it.
Are you referring to the media or to the Democrats?
When it comes to forcing attention on an issue, Democrats can’t hold a candle to Republicans. The latter embrace and enjoy public relations and marketing and advertising as a necessary part of selling themselves, while the former regard it with the distaste one normally reserves for a prostate exam or colonoscopy.
Thanks again Matt, I wonder if your noise is what woke them up to this. I followed a couple of links in the article you linked to in your previous post & here which make for some interesting reading.
The media. You referenced the network channels. Sorry. I should have cut and pasted that part so you could see that was what I was responding to. I see now it was from someone else though.