Discussion: Reports: US Identified ISIL Hostage Executioner

Discussion for article #228086

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You, you masked rascal, possess the distinct honor of being the most fucked, dead man walking motherfucker on the face of the earth.

There can be but one, and it is you.


He can keep that costume on now but we 'll be able to find him by following the trail of excrement.


Lefty is done.

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How is this considered an article? Doesn’t take much to hit the Bold key and copy/paste a couple of tweets.


Whether or not the guy they think did it in fact did it, he’s not long for this life.

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And that person is…?

It’s not easy to be self contained, looking at this coward. I’m tempted to question humanity in aggregate, my iron-clad opposition to death penalty, but the vile darkness at the core of this man torches.

Since I can’t stand the sight of blood, I’ll have to be creative in riding the earth of this Hijab-wearing psychopath