This is called irony: he’s an idiot.
Great idea: Have someone with a vacuum between his ears to head the nation’s intelligence operation, at a time when intelligence (of all kinds) has never been more important.
Coats is a massive dimwit, but at least he’s not a raving fascist.
All I care about is whether this guy has the backbone to tell Flynn to fuck off. Anybody know?
Coats wandered into the wrong Senate
subcommittee hearing.
It doesn’t say that he didn’t … " ask for directions " —
Next time … just point out the window —
Wasn’t there some talk that he has slipped mentally and that was the reason he “wandered into” the wrong hearing?
Not sure, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Trump: “I need someone truly stupid and malleable as DNI. We’re talking Perry stupid and Gingrich malleable. In one brain. Preferably somebody tall who looks the part on camera.”
Pence (not missing a beat): “Dan Coats.”
Coats and Louie Gohmert are in the same league intellectually.
Slightly reassuring, but not sure he has a cogent independent view he can try and drive intelligence related policy with.
Trump nominated basicly play-doh.
Diversity, RIP.
IIRC, this man was deep in the Clinton impeachment movement. Thanks, Donald, another fine choice. [Update] A quick Wikipedia search tells me I do not recall correctly; this genius succeeded Dan Quayle. I was probably thinking of Dan Burton. They are all so crazy it doesn’t make much of a difference.
Yeah, I made that mistake at first too. Dan Burton, was certifiably cra cra and would have been an awesome partner for Gen Flynn. Would have made for fun hearings.
Only if Flynn tries to finger his asshole during sex.
If one was going to tap a former Senator for Indiana - with the intent of having a solid/wise advisor - it would have been Senator Lugar. But Dan Coates? Just another signal to the crazy and a sign of the degree of light-weightedness of this new administration. It is as if they are daring folks around the world to dismiss the entire new administration. #AmateurHourLeadingtheDeluded
Not just about backbone. You also have to be lucid. Coats isn’t.
Pretty much all you need to know about this member of The Family and #1 Sarah Palin fanboy:
In McCain’s circles, Palin was a particular favorite of former senator Dan Coats of Indiana. A long-time associate of the Fellowship, Coats has never been much enamored of experience as a qualification; he used to name Dan Quayle as his mentor. In the 1990s, he joined with another Fellowship associate, John Ashcroft, to sow the seeds for Faith-Based Initiatives, “the privatization of welfare,” as faith-based theorist Marvin Olasky boasted. There’s an evangelical phrase for such transfers of authority into unregulated hands: “Let go, let God.”
Trump prefers to think of it as his echo chamber.