Discussion: Reports: Trump To Tap Former GOP Sen. Dan Coats For DNI

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This is called irony: he’s an idiot.


Great idea: Have someone with a vacuum between his ears to head the nation’s intelligence operation, at a time when intelligence (of all kinds) has never been more important.


Coats is a massive dimwit, but at least he’s not a raving fascist.


All I care about is whether this guy has the backbone to tell Flynn to fuck off. Anybody know?

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       Coats wandered into the wrong Senate 
              subcommittee hearing.

It doesn’t say that he didn’t … " ask for directions " —

Next time … just point out the window —

Wasn’t there some talk that he has slipped mentally and that was the reason he “wandered into” the wrong hearing?

Not sure, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate.


Trump: “I need someone truly stupid and malleable as DNI. We’re talking Perry stupid and Gingrich malleable. In one brain. Preferably somebody tall who looks the part on camera.”

Pence (not missing a beat): “Dan Coats.”

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Coats and Louie Gohmert are in the same league intellectually.


Slightly reassuring, but not sure he has a cogent independent view he can try and drive intelligence related policy with.

Trump nominated basicly play-doh.

Diversity, RIP.

IIRC, this man was deep in the Clinton impeachment movement. Thanks, Donald, another fine choice. [Update] A quick Wikipedia search tells me I do not recall correctly; this genius succeeded Dan Quayle. I was probably thinking of Dan Burton. They are all so crazy it doesn’t make much of a difference.


Yeah, I made that mistake at first too. Dan Burton, was certifiably cra cra and would have been an awesome partner for Gen Flynn. Would have made for fun hearings.

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Only if Flynn tries to finger his asshole during sex.

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If one was going to tap a former Senator for Indiana - with the intent of having a solid/wise advisor - it would have been Senator Lugar. But Dan Coates? Just another signal to the crazy and a sign of the degree of light-weightedness of this new administration. It is as if they are daring folks around the world to dismiss the entire new administration. #AmateurHourLeadingtheDeluded


Not just about backbone. You also have to be lucid. Coats isn’t.

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Pretty much all you need to know about this member of The Family and #1 Sarah Palin fanboy:

In McCain’s circles, Palin was a particular favorite of former senator Dan Coats of Indiana. A long-time associate of the Fellowship, Coats has never been much enamored of experience as a qualification; he used to name Dan Quayle as his mentor. In the 1990s, he joined with another Fellowship associate, John Ashcroft, to sow the seeds for Faith-Based Initiatives, “the privatization of welfare,” as faith-based theorist Marvin Olasky boasted. There’s an evangelical phrase for such transfers of authority into unregulated hands: “Let go, let God.”

This is Not a Religion Column: Biblical Capitalism

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Trump prefers to think of it as his echo chamber.

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