Discussion: Reports: Trump To Meet With Mitt Romney This Weekend

Oh. Another in the long line of chances for the Orange ShitGibbon to rub his ass in someone’s face who “Disrepected Him”.
It’s all about the Childish Revenge with Oberfuhrer Trump.


“Direct knowledge of his thinking.”

So many falsities in so few words!


Romney: Trump is the smartest Con Man to be born on this earth. I am going to meet him to thank him for billions in Tax Cuts.


I wonder if Romney will “get down on his knees” like Trump said he did when begging for political contributions.


They kinda buried the lede here – is Romney being considered for Secretary of State? I’m no fan of Romney’s, but everything being relative, I’m at least not horrified by the prospect of him representing the US overseas.


I can’t imagine any upside to this meeting. They both obviously despise each other. Trump must be only taking the meeting to call him a “loser” and rub his win in Romney’s face. Romney has no leverage in this encounter.

Wonder if we will hear the results.

Edit: floydmaster : “is Romney being considered for Secretary of State?”
That seems bizarre considering the monkey shit flying between these two, but the only reasonable possibility (?)


Does anyone but me think this is just Trump wanting a chance to rub his win in Mitten’s face?


“The bitter relationship between the two in recent months.”

Sources are worried their meeting could devolve into talking smack about each other’s car elevators.


I wonder if we will get to see the ritualistic humiliation when Romney is made to bow down before him.

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Two mints in one. It’s a humiliation mint and it’s a humor my new pals Paul and Mitch and put a known non-loony in at State mint.


Possibly for Social Security head?
After all, he IS highly experienced with ripping off workers, taking their pensions and health benefits away and making tons of money for his investors (and himself) in the process.


That’s exactly what it is - this is what Trump lives for.




I’m picturing John Gotti sending for all the Gambino family soldiers after the hit on Paul Castellano.

It’s for Secretary of State. I wrote this on another thread but Robert Costa said that Romney has been biding his time, imagining himself in the role as a senior statesman. So, this will appeal to Romney’s ego, and we will see if it is just a con or a sincere offer. . .

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Damm you! Beat me to it haha

Haha, so true. I think South Park is handling it in epic fashion, having The Douche (Mr. Garrison as the Trumpian character…Hillary as Hillary was Turd Sandwich) go to everyone who ever gave him shit (e.g., PC Principal, who fired him) and talk about how dry his dick got during the election, and the only thing that will fix it is their saliva.

I’m guessing the Fed hahaha

Edit: or, as I threw out there in another thread, a shitty faraway ambassadorship as Trump’s way of exiling him.


Not sure Trump can pull if off without insulting him but offering a generous reward like a cabinet post or ambassadorship to Romney would be consistent with building a systemically corrupt system as it exists in Russia and similar autocracies; that is, if Romney agrees to support Trump he will be rewarded, if he does not then unpleasant things may happen. That kind of offer would be forthcoming to many important or potentially useful people in that model.