Well ding dong the witch is dead…
GOP nominee Trump… Pardon me while I fight the urge to hurl…
Well, that’s nice that Ted decided to pull out. Something tells me that Donald isn’t going to pull out of Ted for another little while though.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
And may this be the last time Carly graces our screens.
One of the best photo picks, ever!
We’re changin’ the locks back in Texas as fast as we can!
I really hate this prick.
I was just thinking the same thing…
I think that’s the first time I’ve ever liked Ted Cruz’s face…
thought he might stick it to trump, like, at all. Pretty tame stuff.
YAY!!! No more Carnival Cruz!!! Can’t stand that asshole!!!
Kind of makes Kasich look like an even bigger fool staying in the race.
One lunatic down… now we just have to slaughter Trump in November.
Hopefully the Republicans will nominate Cruz in 2020 with the cry “this time a real conservative”. As long as the Republicans remain delusional the less likely they win national office and do damage to the nation. Of course the downside is that our political opponents are delusional, and that can’t be good. If they would just become sane and rational it would be better for the nation, but that would mean they would be Democrats. Politics can be so confusing. Oh well…Fuck You Ted Cruz!
One down…
Well, two if you count Carly. But that woman has more lives than a cat.
I just wish that failing upwards was not a thing.
Bonus, no more Snarly either!
trusTED has called it quits. It is now Hillary’s election to lose. I stand with Hillary.
Need more cow bell.
Cruz, the sleazily little weasel trying to sound profound, as he did tonight was laughable.
Ah, hahahaha! That has got to be the shortest run for Vice President in US history! Does that make carly sneed a 3 or 4 time loser?!