Discussion for article #245471
I really thought he’d stick it out until the Kentucky primary. After all, his campaign paid a pretty penny to switch to a caucus. Ha ha.
Oh, Lord! It’s too early for shit to be this funny. What about next month’s Republican presidential caucus? You know, the one he already spent a half million on so he could run for both Senate and the presidency? I think I may OD on schadenfreude!
And then there were 10… i expect to see a lot more dropping off next week.
Isn´t NH supposed to be filled to the gills with John Galt types?
Isn’t the state motto something like, “Live Free and Die Stupid?” Or have I got that wrong?
So add his name to the list of hopefuls whom the media labled as THE ONE TO BEAT.
Loved this ironic little nugget from Ayn Rand’s concession speech:
[ Against all odds tonight the liberty movement beat four sitting governors from the establishment. Victor Hugo wrote that ideas are stronger than armies. I think the idea of liberty lives on in you, in us. We will continue to fight. Tonight is the beginning. Liberty will live on. We fight on.]
Hey Rand! Ever read Les Misérables? Hugo, you plagiarizing, entitled, privileged dumbazz’, would have been the first in line to kick your insane bigoted and racist backside to the curb.
uh huh… the motto is ‘Live Free and Marry Your Cousin’…
Well, I think he may win the award for fewest outrageously stupid or dishonest statements among all of the Republican candidates this season.
I believe that’s Alabama’s motto.
Well, the major industry in NH, I believe, is tourism. A field not known for producing lone, self sufficient entrepreneurs struggling against an oppressive society that murders individualism.
I’m no fan of Randy’s, but I honestly expected he would do much better. Proof that the Republicans are not a libertarian party in any sense, but, rather, a flat-out authoritarian party masquerading as libertarian in a few areas.
I hope that the Republicans who supported Paul, Sr. (and Jr.) will do the smart thing and vote for Gary Johnson, who, while I don’t agree with him on many issues, seems a decent and honorable man, unlike the GOP crew.
Kinda sad in a weird way. His presence in those “debates” made them look a little more like debates (even though they were still a series of shit shows).
Well, he has an actual competitor for his Senate seat now. Once Gray declared he was running, there was no longer any point in keeping up the charade of running for President. Plus, he needs those campaign funds to defend his seat.
Of course, I’m no fan of Rand Paul. But he did serve an important role in the debates, as a foil to the chicken hawk bluster of the other clowns in the field.
No, no, no!
It’s live free and die stupid! Let’s get it right…bwahahahahaha!
I was hoping Rand would at least hang in there until super Tuesday. He did bring a certain viewpoint to the table and it’s important for Americans to learn as much about the broken ideology of the Koch style of Libertarian beliefs as possible.
Rand realizes that most Americans support Social Democracy and that the Republican Party is on its way out…the people are sending the Koch’s and their bought politicians out to pasture.
I love how Paul and Huckabee are only “suspending” their campaigns, not “ending” them. I would guess this enables them to continue grifting the endless supply of gullible Republicans.