Anyone taking bets on whether Chaffetz will initiate an investigation?
Chaffetz: They shouldnt do it. I dont like it. Hillary is still free. So.
Yes. It will be promote Trump’s businesses.
When will the hearings be?
No Netflix or Hulu for two weeks. And eat your beets!!
no if, ands or buts about it
But I can certainly look my daughter in the eye and vote for the pussy grabber.
By the standard he is apparently following here, a lot of what DT himself is doing would also qualify. Do you think Jason realizes this?
Jason …
" It’s WRONG she should do this before I have a chance to buy more stock "! —
Chaffetz: “That was wrong, wrong, wrong. It is wholly unacceptable – no if, ands or buts about it."
"OK, now that’s out of the way…BENGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZI!!!"
Unfortunately the laws in fact exempt the President from much of what we would consider advancement of their personal interests. For starters they are not required to divest themselves of assets, nor put them in a blind trust, nor defer from making decisions solely designed to result in profit or enhancement from those assets.
Trump did the same thing, what about his violation of the code of conduct?
Naw… I don’t think so …
KAC actually said the word " buy " ---- Donald just " winked " –
And what about the president’s promotion of the DC hotel, golf courses and other businesses? He may not be subject to certain ethical requirements because he’s president, but you’d think he’d subject himself to the common-sense rule that the president shouldn’t appear to be a grifter, or that at least that his WH Counsel would suggest that to him.
The chairman of the House Committee On Oversight and Government Reform has reportedly called Kellyanne Conway’s promotion of Ivanka Trump’s clothing line “wholly unacceptable” and “clearly over the line.”
I am shocked to hear there is even a “line” somewhere in this anything goes continuum.
I think it will be more along the lines of assessing the unfair damage that’s been done to the Drumpf brand. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a line item in the next budget to address “fair compensation for undue loss of income” to TrumpCo.
That’s the only thing I think of every time his name or his picture comes up.
Well that and the ongoing question: what exactly is he? he doesn’t look quite human.
Talk is cheap.
Well, Chafe-itz yesterday said the initial tweet was no big deal and compared it to tweeting about a cheeseburger. But there’s NOOO way these idjits could have construed that to be tacit approval of this corrupt garbage.