Discussion: Reports: Mueller's Team Interviewed Rod Rosenstein About Comey Firing

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ThE onlY unbiaSed pErson quaLiFied to Run thIs paRtisan witch HUnT is TrumP!





And the leaks continue to drip through the sieve that is law enforcement confidentiality.

This one seems pretty helpful to Trump - further confirmation that trump fired Comey with the understanding and belief it wouldn’t stop the Russia probe.

Great to see Mueller looking from all angles, still no suggestion of any ‘there’ there as regards Trump himself.

Trumputin in trouble? UKKY to the rescue!


If you think this article suggests trouble for trump, you haven’t read it properly. Coupled with the suggestion yesterday Obama did have trump towers under surveillance, this is looking like quite a good week for him (relatively speaking, of course :laughing: )

In his interview with Mueller’s team, Rosenstein said that Trump at the time acknowledged that firing Comey would not end the Russia probe and that the decision could create problems for the president, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

  1. Trump could ‘acknowledge’ this - especially if he was told he had to in order to protect himself and have deniability - and still have had obstruction as his purpose in firing Comey. We’ve all seen Trump say things in speeches and statements that he really didn’t want to say and really didn’t mean. And Trump’s interview with Lester Holt, reported statements to the Russians in the Oval Office, tweets, etc. would suggest obstruction was the real reason.

  2. This could be part of the leak to see if it changes or effects what other witnesses now say, despite what has been said before.


@brissy Hey Yukky junior:
I’ve gotta do some laundry sometime today. Did they tell you when the trolls who make some effort to cover up their intent are due to show up? I’ll adjust my schedule.

*not my real name.


Save all your dirty laundry for him. He’s REALLY good at the spin cycle :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hmmm - seems to be clutching at straws a bit, given there has been no actual obstruction. Indeed, by all accounts Mueller is doing one hellluva better job than Comey. If Obama had had the balls to do the right thing and fire Comey last year, the whole Russia thing might have wrapped up by now.

For all you trolls on the spin cycle, attempting to end the investigation and attempting to cripple and derail it are both obstruction. No difference legally.

Trump was told firing Comey would not make the Russian collusion investigation go poof. Trump fired him anyway in hopes it would do enough damage to make the investigation fizzle. Comey wasn’t a loyal solder in his WH mafia and he didn’t see Mueller coming. Because he’s a political idiot who surrounds himself with stooges.

So now he’s guilty of collusion AND obstruction, and Mueller, who has more intelligence in his pinky nail than Trump has in his entire extended family, is coming at him like a freight train across the Great Plains.

Oh, by the way Prissy, just LOVED your boy’s Mussolini rountine at the UN the other day. Are you haunting that thread too? Classy stuff. The Italian fascists must have loved it. Maybe they’ll invite Trumpy to their annual gathering at Mussolini tomb. Good times.


If Obama had fired Comey, Hillary would be President, and Mueller would still be sending Trump’s campaign team, his family, and possibly Trump himself to the slammer. So, I have to agree with you on this one.


We can agree on this part - Hillary was my unenthusiastic choice over Trump at the time.

You ought to reflect on why you are convinced trump/his campaign acted illegally despite this not being proven. Innocent until proven guilty is a fundamental legal principle that people on here have happily trampled on in favour of tribal politics. So much so that expressing skepticism is met with hurled abuse, suspicion and accusation. Rather disappointing from the people who were supposed to be open minded and rational - you know, liberals.

Except that it was the CIA surveiling Manafort, TT wasn’t under surveillance, and the UN speech made for a disastrous week… But, yeah, other than all that you’re right.


The phrase “innocent until proven guilty” refers to our legal process, and has no bearing on what private citizens say and think.
I didn’t see the same reluctance to pass judgment when it came to Hillary.
Also, while it may not be clear whether Trump violated the law, there’s no question that he displayed such poor judgment that he shouldn’t have been considered for local alderman, let alone President.


A blatant lie from a blatant liar.

More lying from a compulsive liar. There is ZERO EVIDENCE to support your lies.


We’re very open-minded and incredibly rational—two qualities that do not and will not pertain to you.

Because of our open-mindedness and our rationality, we can easily see through your witless lies and your avid kissing of Trump’s ass.


That’s an extremely good point, and implicitly acknowledges that what is happening with trump has parallels to what happened with Hillary - the media making a sensational mountain out of a molehill, which is being lapped up by political opponents. It’s seldom a good idea to emulate idiots.

I didn’t buy into the Hillary scandals because innocent until proven guilty, and I haven’t bought into the trump scandal because innocent until proven guilty. The evidence simply isn’t there, yet.

Ah the Clap. For a second I thought you’d managed two consecutive posts without stooping to degenerate language.