Discussion: Reports: Indiana Guv Mike Pence To Endorse Ted Cruz Today

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Cruzifer gathering his legions for Armageddon


Governor Pence has also demonstrated when you increase regulation against LBGT people, jobs depart.


“He has been an incredible leader for the state of Indiana. He has really demonstrated that when you cut taxes when you reduce regulations, that jobs follow.”

Does he have ANY actual data to back up the assertion that IN has had a large increase in jobs? The backlash to IN’s anti gay legislation in '15 lost them lots of revenue through boycotts to how has Pence been good for the state?

Endorsement of Pence v. endorsement of Knight? I’m thinking Knight might win out.

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And then confirmed in North Carolina.

I assume Kansas will give us the trifecta.

Too late, numb nuts. He already picked his VP and there ain’t gonna be no Cruz cabinet, so what do you expect Raphael to do for you?

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Indiana goes for Lucifer!

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An approval rating below 50%, yeah, that’ll do it.


Cruz, Fiorina and now Pence. I’m really having trouble taking this seriously as a political matter because when I think about it, it keeps trying to plug itself into the narrative slot labeled “Marvel supervillian alliance.”


This, combined with the brilliant choice of choosing as a VP candidate one of the most-hated women on the planet? Cruz is a political GENIUS!!! Wait, the drugs are just kicking in…

In further shocking headline news: “Dog Bites Man.”

Holy balls, now the Cruz campaign is becoming a Satanic cult!! Lucifer in the flesh lives and is attracting widespread support. Repent now, you sods!!

This is a ploy to stop Trump from getting the TGOP nomination outright. I for one, am fervently in favor of a brokered convention, and the total, unmitigated chaos that will ensue. This election is shaping up nicely to be the national humiliation that the GOP so richly deserves.

If the Dems manage to keep from stepping on their collective dicks, they could really swing Congress and the Senate and the Court to the good side.