Discussion: Reports: GOP Pulls The Trigger On Thursday Vote To Repeal Obamacare


Ready … fire …


So ok. They’ll bring it to a vote. Fine by me.

But what galls me, and seems to be altogether WAY too common (especially on the R side of the aisle) is this penchance for rush-passing bills they haven’t even bothered to read (or as seems to be the case in this instance, haven’t been GIVEN to read). Stuff that seriously and negatively affects large swaths of the citizenry.

How many of these bastards will vote for this bill, without even having been given the opportunity to read it? I thought there were rules against that? Isn’t there supposed to be ample opportunity given? 3 days or something?

If this passes, I’m giving up my present life and moving to the steps of the Capital building to protest 24/7 until this changes. Hunger strikes may be a part of it, I don’t know. But it HAS to change!!


Let me get this straight- 24 million people will lose their insurance, community ratings are gone so insurance for sick and elderly will cost more, but there’ll be some mechanism that might lower those costs but not by enough for it to matter, and healthy people can opt out. As an added bonus, $600B in tax cuts for the 1%. So it’ll cost more with less people covered and the rich get richer. And THATS the plan that brought in the “moderates”? Sounds like something only the GOP could think up.


Well, it’s rather easier when those moderates haven’t been given the ACTUAL bill to read… we don’t know what they’ve been promised vs what’s actually in the bill.


Not released to the public, not released to the representatives in time for them to read, not scored by the CBO, likely passed in the dead of night, with an open vote and arm twisting.

Note that these are all things the Republicans accused the Democrats of doing with Obamacare, and they are doing it solely because it’s the only way they can pass something, anything, to appeal to their selfish base that doesn’t realize how it’s going to damage the same base of voters. This will be a massive shift in health care, with millions of people losing it almost immediately, and the entire health care system open to a crash because of the collapse of the insurance industry. And, it may also hurt people on employer plans.

We can only hope that if this monstrosity gets through, and if Trump signs a bill that causes this kind of titanic shift, that they reap the results in 2018.


Rob Wittman mailbox is full not excepting new messages


That means that not even THREE of the undecideds will vote no?? That’s amazing.


The odd thing is, they accuse the Dems of “ramming through” the ACA, while ignoring more than a year of discussion, debate, and negotiation that took place prior to the vote on it.

It was nothing like this in reality. Again, isn’t there a rule that is supposed to prevent this kind of ramrod legislating? Something about 3 days to allow legislators to have time to read and comment on a bill?


“The final bill text has not yet been released to the public, and there has been no independent analysis of the cost of the bill or its impact on health coverage.”

So it’s a pig in a poke.

And I do mean “pig”.


This is great. I can’t decide what’s worse for them…having to back down here or having a shitshow ensue in the Senate. I’m leaning towards the latter, and I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that there are at least 40 very pissed off GOP senators right now.


will never get through the Senate IMO, but I have been so wrong for the last, er, six months of predictions WTF do I “know”

I am blown away by the lack of concern over the Russia thingy, feel like I am in bizzarro land (may be an ACTUAL FACT)


Next up: Senate guts it like a fresh marlin on the docks and then passes some mild ACA readjustments while the GOP scream “victory!”


Two words: Assumptive close. Tomorrow is another day.


They’re going to vote on a bill no one has read, hasn’t been scored by the CBO or released to the public. What could possibly go wrong?


That’s what the Republicans are hoping will happen or they’ll be in big doodoo.


If there’s a hell, these souless fucks will burn forever.


The aroma of pork is in the air.


Of course it will never make it thru the senate which is exactly what these house cowards are banking on!

Just as their 60+ votes to repeal would never have been signed by Obama, they can say “well, we tried to fulfill our promise to you but those damn Dems stood in our way!”

And then PeePee will once again demonstrate that he has no idea how the congress works and say something to the effect of “Well, you know, the senate rules are very, very broken and this really great bill - everyone is saying how great it is, people are saying Trump does it again - won’t get passed.”


Can’t imagine they would say this if they didn’t get the necessary committed votes in the caucus meeting.