Discussion for article #246739
Crap. Governor “He Who Must Not Be Named” will show Trump how to make horcruxes and we’ll never get rid of him.
Aw, don’t do that, Voldemort! That might discourage poor Marco Ruboto and make him quit. I’ve missed dumping on Jeb, and I’ll miss dumping on Rubio.
Makes sense that one fraudster would endorse another.
Beat me to it.
I would have thought Voldemort and the Death Eaters would endorse Cruz, but maybe Cruz is too sinister even for them. Or maybe they are just suckers for people with orange skin and bad comb overs.
Birds of a feather and all that…
I’m watching this arrogant blowhard right now and once again he spends a lot of time standing on a stage and saying virtually nothing other than how great he thinks he is. The press that were invited are like lap dogs covering this asshole. They have totally fallen down on the job. Their questions are pathetic and obsequious. This is such a phony staged event that tRump is having right now. I can’t believe Republicans are so fucking stupid to have allowed this man to have gotten this far. Its surreal.
Every cable news outlet is carrying a painful, painful Drumpf press conference. I had to step away until it was over. The drivel that comes out of that asshole’s mouth. And there is the governor of my home state standing behind him, for whatever dumb reason, selling his soul in front of the whole nation. A great editorial in a local Jersey paper today calling for Christie to resign. I posted it below. From the Asbury Park Press:
APP EDITORIAL: Step down, governor
What an embarrassment. What an utter disgrace.
We’re fed up with Gov. Chris Christie’s arrogance.
We’re fed up with his opportunism.
We’re fed up with his hypocrisy.
We’re fed up with his sarcasm.
We’re fed up with his long neglect of the state to pursue his own selfish agenda.
We’re disgusted with his endorsement of Donald Trump after he spent months on the campaign trail trashing him, calling him unqualified by temperament and experience to be president.
And we’re fed up with his continuing travel out of state on New Jersey’s dime, stumping for Trump, after finally abandoning his own presidential campaign.
For the good of the state, it’s time for Christie to do his long-neglected constituents a favor and resign as governor. If he refuses, citizens should initiate a recall effort.
At a rare news conference on Monday, Christie was at his arrogant worst, refusing to take any questions from reporters that didn’t relate directly to his nomination of Superior Court Judge David Bauman as a state Supreme Court justice. Some Statehouse veteran reporters said this the first time they could remember a governor restricting questions at a news conference in Trenton.
After Christie repeatedly told reporters he wouldn’t answer any questions that were “off topic,” one of the reporters asked why: “Because I don’t want to,” he said. Can you imagine any other governor saying that? Or President Barack Obama? Is that what Christie would have told the national press corps if he became president?
Press conferences in which reporters have had an opportunity to question Christie on any subject have been a rarity since the George Washington Bridge fiasco more than two years ago. Christie fails to acknowledge the role the Fourth Estate plays in a healthy democracy. Reporters have an obligation to ask questions on behalf of the public; government officials have an obligation to answer them.
Whether Christie likes journalists or not — and he decidedly does not like those who refuse to genuflect before him — he should treat them with professionalism, not contempt. More importantly, he should treat his constituents with respect by answering questions that bear on his policies and his performance as governor. In refusing to be accountable to the press, he is refusing accountability to New Jersey’s citizens.
Christie has not given reporters an opportunity to question him since his announcement on Feb. 10 that he was abandoning his presidential run. He didn’t meet with the media after his Feb. 16 budget address, and he dodged the press after a brief appearance at a Newark school event Feb. 24. What questions didn’t he want to answer?
For starters: Now that he has abandoned his presidential campaign, will he work full time on New Jersey business? How could he endorse someone for president who disagrees with him on virtually every important issue? Was his trip to Texas to endorse Trump and his campaigning on his behalf the following day in Arkansas and Tennessee a harbinger of more out-of-state stumping for him in the future? (A question answered by his subsequent trips to Ohio and Kentucky on Trump’s behalf.) Will New Jersey continue to be billed for his security and other expenses on these trips? If so, how does he justify that? Last year, he spent 261 full or partial days out of New Jersey. Now that he is no longer running for president, what percentage of his time does he expect to spend in New Jersey on New Jersey business this year?
It has been obvious for at least two years that Christie has put personal ambition ahead of the interests of New Jersey citizens. Sadly, members of his own party have displayed no backbone in trying to rein him in. When he has said “jump,” they have responded, in unison, “how high?” And the Democratic Party’s weak leadership has failed to fill the power vacuum. Christie has taken his hands off the rudder, and no one has rushed forward to help steer the boat.
New Jersey needs someone whose full attention is devoted to making life better for New Jersey’s citizens. That won’t happen until Christie steps down or is forced out.
I hope that editorial wasn’t from NJ.com, seeing how they previously endorsed him for re-election
no. The Asbury Park Press.
[quote=“McBain, post:7, topic:33803”]
I would have thought Voldemort and the Death Eaters would endorse Cruz, but maybe Cruz is too sinister even for them.
[/quote]Cruz is Dolores Umbridge.
But a spokesperson for the governor told an Associated Press reporter “he’s not endorsing” and Scott’s press secretary told an MSNBC producer that Scott was in Tallahassee.
its 10:15 pm Est
its nearly six hours from the state capitol to Palm Beach…
three hours, maybe less via jet.
The Sorting Hat would totally have put Cruz in Slytherin.
If you put the Sorting Hat on top of Cruz, it would run away screaming in terror from what it sensed.
He’ll be campaigning as the VP nominee
Of course Scott will eventually endorse Trump, from one odious scumbag to another. So will Scott Walker, as has former Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer, as has Maine’s Paul Lepage. The Governors of Mississippi and Alabama are sure things, and probably Georgia as well.
What is the common thread? Racism and Xenophobia.