Discussion: Reports: 'Dancing With The Stars' Wants To Take Sean Spicer For A Spin

Oh please, do it and put Spicey out of his misery.


‘Dancing With The Stars’ Wants To Take Sean Spicer For A Spin

Maybe a trip to Tibet for an in-depth purification ritual might be more appropriate. But, if he agrees to perform on DWTS using Melissa McCarthy’s motorized podium, I’m all in.


This is all well and good, but why is TPM ignoring that the GOP is having Browder testify to things of which it is, at best, questionable he has actual and direct personal knowledge, in order to gin up their counter-narrative that it all goes back to Clinton and Obama and that the whole Russia thing was in fact a big set-up to trap Trump and that Clinton and her campaign and the DNC were the ones who were really colluding with Russia through Fusion GPS and this Russian lawyer lady? What’s the angle? Has Putin offered to drop prosecuting him? To let him have his Gazprom money? What? That would be a far more interesting thing to educate us on than what Brokefact Fountain’s latest inane escapades might be.


Why not?

They had the criminal Tom “Cockroach Killer” DeLay on before.

Not exactly new ground they are breaking here.


And who can forget Rick Perry’s turn twirling 'neath the lights?


At least there would be dignity in a gig with “Dancing with the Stars”


I’ll watch if they partner him with Melissa McCarthy.


Wild Thing…I think I love you…LOL


I found Browder’s testimony in the Atlantic but I don’t see how it incriminates Clinton in any way. Seems to me it incriminates the Trump campaign. Can you clarify?

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Will the judges base their scores on audio only?


Dare ya! Double Dare ya!

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Can’t be any more embarrassing than our esteemed Secretary of Energy’s performance there.


OMIGOD!!! I SO want this to happen!!!


I think FOX News tried to implicate Hillary Clinton in the Russian efforts to repeal the Magnitsky Act by using Browder’s testimony, but it seems implausible.

And, no, what I read in the Atlantic does not implicate Hillary.

But FOX News points to Browder’s claim that the Russians enlisted the Fusion group – which also had commissioned former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele to generate opposition research on candidate Trump (the now infamous dossier) – to help them lobby Washington.

They then conflate Fusion’s work on the dossier with their work lobbying against the Magnitsky Act to claim that the whole Trump/Russia scandal is some political dirty trick hatched by Hillary and abetted by the Russians.

It’s like, “No colluder, no colluder – you’re the colluder.”

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Why not? What else has he got going for him now? He’s got nothing but a lot of free time on his hands from the looks of it. If he does do it, it will extend his working life by at least by a few more months…because after working in that fucked up White House, who else would want that asshole? Besides, this entire Pr*sidency is one big made-for-TV show anyway…one big psycho-drama. Why not extend the entertainment value into another prime time show… I’m pretty sure Spiceboy already knows how to tap dance. I could’ve sworn I’ve seen him do that at the podium already. What he really needs to learn, is how to do the old soft shoe without the metal taps. That part, he never did figure out.

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I look at that shit and all I can think of is what has this country come to? Something about that picture says it all…What it says exactly, I have no idea other than, damn, have we lowered our standards for public office, or what? It was bad enough that the news became infotainment. Now our public servants have to be on these fucking shows to seek higher office? Insane.

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Why cheer for this human shitstain to be granted the publicity of Dancing with the Stars? He is a soulless sycophant that should not be rewarded for his actions.

I honestly want to see him in jail for the willful damage to our country he chose to betray by normalizing, relentlessly attackimg the press without warrant, and outright lying his ass of for this administration.
(I know, no legal basis)

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Good point. He should rot, the filthy little creep. I think people want him to do for the “Oh shit!” factor, so he can embarrass the hell out of him self.

I sort of hope he is ruined for life for being such a lying tool, never works in gov. Again, nobody will hire the little freak. I would never watch this kind of trashy show anyway, but why not–let him act like a total fool and make some money at it. It may be the last chunk of lucre he ever sees…

Why does TPM publish unnewsworthy articles like this?