Discussion: Reports: 4 Sanders Staffers Searched Clinton Data And Saved Files

Discussion for article #243948

Hey, the house was unlocked! Waddayamean me and the boys can’t go in for a little look-see?


Yeah, there’s no way HIllary’s campaign was doing the same, right? No, the Clinton’s have always run very tight ships. No ugly campaign’s there. - Removes part of brain that contains 2007 memories.

Look - this is what you do when you want something to be fixed:

Uretsky told MSNBC on Friday afternoon that Sanders staffers only searched for and saved the Clinton campaign’s voter information in order to prove that a breach in the software had occurred. He said that employees “wanted to document and understand the scope of the problem so that we could report it accurately.”

What you don’t do when you want something to be fixed is not say a word about it.

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If that is what happen, and lets say for argument sake thats what happened. Then you file a report and then you get your access back once the DNC confirms that’s what happened and the data they took which they weren’t allowed to have access to is deleted;

Oh and what you actually do is just take a screen shot, no need to download a bunch of data.


Go ahead, Wasserman, ruin the whole fucking election for everyone. Keep publicly poking Sanders until he sues and then runs as an independent…we sure don’t need his voters to be on board if he’s not the nominee…no no…we can toooootally win without them. And hey, won’t it be fun when he sues and starts sending discovery demands that seek to discover if anyone inappropriately accessed HIS data during this AND THE OTHER NUMEROUS breaches? Gee…it sure won’t be a big problem if it becomes public that Clinton’s team did the same thing and therefore can be painted as “cheaters” by Trump or whoever the Teatroll candidate turns out to be. That’s won’t be a problem at all. In fact, Debbie, why don’t you go on all the talk shows this weekend and howl about how awful Sanders and his campaign are and soak up some of that glorious spotlight you’re itching to create for yourself with this issue. It’ll do soooooo much for the party and the entire liberal movement. So yeah…keep on keepin’ on…make this as public as possible and drag it out as long as you can so you and this mess can be in the headlines all over Faux News, Breitbart, WND, Daily Caller, etc. for as long as you can make it last.

Kudos on the brilliant strategic thinking.


This “dropped firewall” and “software glitch” and “firewall patch” stuff is confusing. A lot of finger pointing at Sanders campaign right now, just wondering if this is supposed to seem like Cisco’s problem as well. They actually “patched” a “firewall”? Is the DNC actually the real victim here lol?

That ranks up there with “the money was just resting in my account” and “I’m still looking for the real killers” in the realm of bad excuses. There is literally no reason they needed to do searches or save files just to prove that there was a problem. All they had to do was say that there was a problem and let the DNC figure it out.

And the first thing Sanders needs to do is admit that his people screwed up and not even attempt to justify what they did, because it’s so obviously bogus. That’s one of the things that always helped Obama, is that he had no problem throwing someone under the bus if that’s where they belonged. And being loyal to bad staffers is one of the traits I don’t like in the Clintons. If your staff does something wrong, cut them loose; not just because it’s good politics, but because it’s the right thing to do. I mean, hell. Even if they’re telling the truth, then they’re just stupid and should be cut anyway.


Yeah, the “Bernie-ites” just don’t quite understand that for most other people, that just doesn’t pass the laugh test.


Yes and it was all NGP VAN’s fault anyway. They wouldn’t have even looked at and saved the Clinton data they did to understand the extent of the breach if NGP VAN’s firewall hadn’t failed.


When my daughter was 4 she wanted to use a hammer to hammer in loose nails in our back porch. I stepped away for a minute and she ran in tears and screaming because she used the hammer for another purpose and hammered her thumb as a result. She was very upset and I mentioned that she wouldn’t have hurt herself if she had used the hammer as instructed and that while I was very sorry she was hurt the incident was her fault. She responded that it was my fault. “My fault, why?” Responding, “who gives a kid a hammer?”


Yes, but it’s totally the fault of the DNC! //

Honestly, these Sanders staffers should just claim they were acting as ‘whistle blowers’ and everyone will pretend like it was totally above board and legitimate and totally unethical…


So the DNC made software mistakes and blame Sanders. Please, he or his staff took advantage of it. Why wouldn’t they? I’m a Sanders supporter but I know that in due time I’ll be a Clinton supporter. Right now I don’t want her constant begging for money.

So you wouldn’t have any problem with someone stealing shit from your house because you left the back door open, because hey, why wouldn’t someone take advantage of your mistake?


You might be the only person on TPM making sense today.

So if you leave your car unlocked, it’s ok if I take it for a joyride because I’m just taking advantage of your mistake? Interesting theory you’ve got there.

But just so you know, the reason they shouldn’t have taken advantage of it is because it’s against the rules and immoral. They knew they weren’t supposed to do it and why there’s a firewall between their data, but they did it anyway. If that’s the sort of thing Sanders supports, then I hope he never becomes president. But if he’s smart, he’ll denounce what these staffers did and admit it was a problem.


That would be the sane thing to do, but its not looking like thats going to happen atm.

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Let’s make a side-bet for whatever amount you like on Sanders suing the DNC. This is a giant bluff. FOUR Sanders staffers accessed the data! At the very most, it should have been two: The data director and the smartest VAN expert on the team (in fairness, three if somebody else discovered the issue); everybody else should have been commanded to stay the hell away from it. Additionally, it sounds like NGP noticed this breach on their own, so the Sanders campaign didn’t even bring it to their attention. Seriously!!?? Not good. But, good luck in court with that one.

Weaver should have kept his mouth shut. He may not be Sanders’ last campaign manager. Just saying…


The key question is what Sanders agreed to when he agreed to use the DNC server–did he agree to lose access if caught swiping others’ data?

If so, he has to live with it. Not Hillary’s fault. Not Wasserman’s fault. His staff’s fault.


From the story:

A software glitch in the Democratic National Committee’s database for voter information on Wednesday briefly allowed campaigns to view each other’s data.

Am I missing some outrage about the other side? Do we know what HRC’s campaign did?

Both should be storming up the VAN stairs and demanding a fix, and VAN should be demanding a complete revelation of what each camp got. Or else drop the whole thing.

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