Appalled? My only surprise would be if he did not trade on the news before he made his comment. Someone ought to check the accounts of his family and close friends to see if any of them bought stock just before the news hit.
Well at least he hasn’t hit the nuclear button yet
Yes the bar is set that low
This just demonstrates Trump being a norms-busting jackass oblivious to the guard rails of the Presidency because he has no one that can constrain him. Trump is feeling his oats, completely hubristic, thinking he’s got this whole “presidenting” thing down, and that will be his downfall. This is about the only time I don’t think he was actually trying to be corrupt…he just stumbled into it because it just comes so naturally to him.
All these statements from Trump that affect the market should be investigated. Is there anyone in Trumps orbit who shorts or buys long in the market based on Trump’s insider information? I bet there are.
Trump would regularly lie that these numbers from the BLS were “cooked” under Obama. But apparently, they are just peachy now. Owing to Trump’s history of projection, when the economy eventually takes a downturn, how can we be sure that Trump won’t put enormous pressure on the BLS to keep the news looking good?
The gaslighting of Amurikkka continues unabated…
After all, the power-abusing neofascism required to save white Christian hegemony from Global Browning isn’t going to magically normalize itself.
None of it matters. Nothing matters. The GOP just whistle past the graveyard. At this point, I’m thinking that some of them might actually want the Democrats to win because they are too afraid to stop him and they know he needs to be stopped. If they don’t have their lobbyist jobs lined up, then they just furrow their collective brows. All of them know how damaging this trade war will be …
President-For- Life don’t follow no fucking federal rules.
I wonder if NYSE and CME will roll back some of these trades ? Trading on inside information is a crime…
Ex-officials are appalled. So what? Trump could murder someone on the White House lawn and media would quote Wash DC homicide detectives that were appalled. Everyone is appalled. No one ever does a goddamned thing about it, they’re just appalled.
Rules are for the little people, I AM A BIG SHOT, at least in my little mind…
Unfortunately, my earlier post pretty accurately predicted the reaction to this news:
“No mention of the fact that Trump tipped off the market an hour before releasing the numbers that good news was coming. A perfect scenario for insider trading. But it’s ok—norms, blah blah blah, not technically illegal, Mr Trump’s actions raised some eyebrows but, go back to what you were doing.”
We have rehearsed this scenario FAR too many times in the since 2017. I am fucking sick of it.
Right on!
Soon he’ll be tweeting his enemies don’t want him letting Americans know how good things have gotten since he took over.
Insider trading. That should tell us who’s getting the pardon next. In fact, he’s already told us.
This is a handy headline and can be recycled many times:
Reporters, Ex-Officials Appalled _____________
We all know that Trump is a businessman and is new to politics. Look, he’s done a lot of good things for this country. While I would not have tweeted something like this, I think we have to give the President credit for trying to do the right thing for the American public. His heart is in the right place.
Maybe congressional republicans will start to pay attention when it’s their portfolio that takes a dive after improper release of economic info.
At least now we know why he is planning to pardon Martha Stewart.