Discussion for article #244128
This is the best news that I have heard this Christmas season. I did not know that my hero I.F. Stone had a son, let alone that he would step into the breach and support financially an an example of journalistic integrity and courage. Both Steve Collins and Jeremy Stone deserve our thanks.
Now this is an example of something worthy of a GoFundMe campaign.
He should get a heck of a lot more. And someone needs to trust bust adelson and others like him (eg Murdoch) who are taking over Nevada, NY, CT and other stat and local newspaper and media outlets to put out false propaganda that suits only their own purposes. So much for the 4th estate unless there are more like this man.
My kind of guy!
The new and instant rightward slant of the newspaper tilted this guy right out the door.
The media bias injected into papers immediately by the likes of the Adelson’s of this nation is satisfying I guess, that is if you’re a walking zombie rotting from the inside out.
What should really happen is a mass exodus of subscribers to the paper. Only then will it have an impact.
Liberal media my ass!
This takeover of the media by a powerful few will contribute to the further erosion of our nation.
Kind of smacks of mind control, doesn’t it, if only one side of the story is presented?
Too bad there aren’t more true journalists out there. Too bad…
I would like to think that where possible, but the masses just don’t care - and Adeleson is rich enough to keep a paper afloat that is bleeding money. All in a bid to trumpet his bile and blither.
this is why the internet is so important…the corporations and their muppets have used this power to re-write the laws of ownership of the media…the condensation of outlets was the plan overall…a clearing house of propaganda kinda thing…along the lines of ALEC…only BIGGER…
Adelson’s papaDochian move:
Buy a politician, then buy a newspaper to write a bunch of phony, feel good stories about them. What a powerful combination of sleaze,and corruption that could be.
I hope a prominent blog will pick him up as a reporter.
I hope those lauding Collins and Hengel at the moment will still be around when Adelson and his lapdogs and lackeys file slander lawsuits and attempt other legal harassments. It’s expensive to defend yourself in the courts. I also hope Collins and Hengel are psychologically prepared for the character assassination that is inevitably coming in Adelson’s press, not to mention Murdoch’s propaganda and smear machine.
Yeah, Collins would be a great contributor at Washington Monthly.
Nice gesture, but it seems to me that 5K is barely enough for the reporter to survive for a month. Couldn’t it have been a little more hefty?
Some of the new Millennial billionaires should be thinking about an alternative to FOX and the MSM
- Gear it to address issues that people from 18-50 years of age face
- Make it ecumenical in the sense that it spans educational levels, cultures, races and ethnic groups
income levels, regions, etc - Make it to focus on the public good…thus sponsors for programming will be those companies which
are not 100% Bloodsuckers - Intersperse programming to make the network viable, economically
- Employ real journalists. There are still a lot of them around.
- Use the MSM as a template on what NOT TO DO *******
More on this later. I will not give up on talking about this
****** Much like some parents inspire their children as “role models” of what NOT TO DO
I wish that I felt monetarily safe enough that I could resign from my job.
OK great. But I’m a pauper and five grand would make little difference in my life. How about someone awarding this hero a more appropriate half a mil?