Discussion: Reporter Gives Chilling Description Of Shooting At Annapolis Newsroom

We knew this was only a matter of time considering Trump’s constant hateful rhetoric towards the press. I could be wrong…maybe it’s a crime of passion … guess we’ll find out.


The American media is being attacked thanks to Trump. Oh, not just attacked by words. They’re use to that.

This is different. This is trying to silence them.

Fear is the mind-killer. I am pretty sure the MSM will not give in to this desperate tyrant.

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The fact that the Annapolis police aren’t saying much…

I heard that he had hair long enough to be in a ponytail. Strange comment.


Now that’s a pretty shitty thing to say about me! :wink:


Yeah, I wonder how children handle it.

There is nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while you’re under your desk and then hear the gunman reload.

And these are adults. Imagine the children in schools who have heard this.


When will we have had enough?


It seems that a bunch of people have a badly adjusted snark meter these days.

I think you are likely right on the motivation here, but let’s wait for facts. Could be a straight psychotic that didn’t like his personal ad (very unlikely, I know). But let’s not go to the jump to conclusions mat just yet. Makes us look foolish if we’re off base

Reading comprehension.

Try it.

How long til this reporter gets labeled as crisis actor #1. I hope these adults make as much waves as the Parkland kids.


Somewhere in the cesspool of rightwing propaganda, the counter-narrative is being hatched that the dead at the newspaper are crisis actors and this is the ultimate in fake news made up to discredit Trump. I expect Trump to be tweeting some version of this tomorrow after hearing it on Hannity.

edit: I don’t always read the posts before posting myself. I can see that I am not the only one thinking along these lines.

You said “the American media is being attacked thanks to Trump”. Was responding to that. Pretty nasty comment, good grief

I stand by the comment. He has attacked the media over and over again.

(And you replied to the wrong comment anyway.)

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Why, he was trained by George Soros in that pizza place in DC and was trafficking child prostitues to set up Trump in the Russia investigation… and Vince Foster, Whitewater, Bengazhi, Birty Certificate… oh wait, that last one won the presidency



Thing is, it doesn’t matter. Trump’s constant attacks, echoed by Foxish commenters and GOP politicians and various fellow travelers, normalize the idea of violence against the media, that it’s something they deserve.

So no, they’re not off the hook if their constantly verbalized violent fantasies against the media made this a “solution” to any purported problem any random crazy nutcase might have had, whether or not he had the same beef with them that Trump imagines he does.


You’re absolutely correct but I don’t like the optics of attributing this shooting to that unless we know that is the reason, which it likely is. If it is a media blackout on intent, as it was with Vegas then we have to really step back and consider what the hell is going on

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To the Reporter (not Chelsea) The sound of reloading is your chance; fight or flight. But you GOTTA GO FOR IT when you hear reloading. You know he cant shoot you for that moment. (Remember, gun proficients reload BEFORE they are out of bullets. Get down to last 3, RELOAD, but the gun is still OOC for a few moments. At least in my fantasy.

Come on dude
Your snark-dar is broken

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I see your point, and am generally there myself, but in this case I think the context of constantly articulated violent fantasies against the media is relevant, whether or not the shooter himself claims membership in the Trump brigade.

It’s like a kid growing up repeatedly witnessing violence in the family, then hitting his girlfriend. Doesn’t matter if his parents ever met her. It doesn’t lessen his responsibility, but it’s easy to see why that’s the “solution” he goes to when there’s conflict.