How is this not terrorism?
Well, the press is the enemy of the people, according to Trump.
Too bad this won’t stop him, or the rest of the right-wing assholes, from making targets of the media.
bet Rubio sure is glad he didn’t side with those losers now
Before we tag this as terrorism, most incidents of this type involve a disgruntled employee or former employee. Who was the shooter and did he have any connection to the paper?
Come on now, let’s keep her out of this. She already has it bad enough being married to The Dotard.
You’re right, but the longer we go without anyone from the paper saying who it was (someone would have recognized a former colleague), the more it looks like terrorism – someone with a specific grievance against the paper for reporting something, or a general attack on the media.
Milo Yiannopoulos: My call for shooting journalists was just a ‘troll’
He had no ID on him, and none of the eyewitnesses have IDed him in their statements. So not likely a disgruntled employee or pissed off local.
Of course it was, Milo. You’re just a misunderstood baby, I know.
I went to Krazy Daze Dollarmania with a Shopper Section Coupon from this paper and it was NOT honored!
You might be right, but we will know for sure pretty damn soon.
Melanin = skin color, not the unfortunate wife.
I’m pretty sure @dannydorko knew that and was being facetious.
Which is precisely why it was a perfect setup.