Hmmmmm…who to believe. Reporter or assaulter?
Imma gonna go with reporter.
“Honest broker.” That got a good laugh.
Oh, let’s be reasonable. Who among us has not gotten overwrought during the sentencing phase of a criminal trial and made promises we later regretted?
A bully and a coward. What a surprise.
Yes, I’m sure Gianforte’s spokespeople have been just as honest as they were when they tried to blame Jacobs for Gianforte assaulting him.
Oddly, I’ve managed to make it over five decades of living without ever once being sentenced, or even tried, as a criminal. Just lucky, I guess - though I suspect the not ever assaulting anyone may have had something to do with it.
Is “failure to disperse” a criminal charge? Then again, even though I was charged the charges were dropped when the arresting officers failed to appear at the arraignment.
I still got the scar on my forehead, though, from the fourteen stitches it took to close the wound caused by the officer’s nightstick – which he swung directly at my head when I approached with my arms outstretched to the side.
Have to chuckle. About 30 years ago I was driving a date home and the subject turned to diet and she said she was proud that she hadn’t eaten a hot dog in like five years. So I asked her if she liked hot dogs. She said no. I didn’t tell her it’s not that meritorious to not do a thing you’re not inclined to do in the first place. But I thought it. We never got together, if you’re wondering. Not each other’s type.
I wouldn’t want to be a Montana politics reporter next year when Trump’s numbers are even worse and Gianforte has no major legislation to show for his time in DC.
Why would the reporter want to interview someone that body slammed him then lied about it to make it seem as if the reporter was the aggressor??
Surely there are other people he could interview without having to wear body armor and carry mace…?
I wonder if the Congressman wants this to be just a photo-op and the reporter has actual questions he wants answered?
And spokes people for Gianforte unless you show your work it didn’t happen, just I thought I’d pass that little tip along.
I don’t condone vigilantism in a functioning society, where the law applies equally to all.
Part of me thinks we need to start body slamming residents of this Montana district and see if the legal lenience is ubiquitously maintained for body slammers of all races, genders and political persuasions.
…but did you want to get together with her? Because if you didn’t, its not really meritorious, I think that is the moral of the story, right?
She was attractive but I didn’t like her. And she lived across the street. And I was old enough to see trouble from a ways off. You can decide if that’s meritorious or not.
The whole state of Montana is one district. Its essentially an at large position, given the sparse population of Montana.
Especially when “the tape” has already shown one to lie…
You mean a House GOPer LIED!?! Heavens!
If idiots like Trump and this guy can win an election what’s to stop an actual, QUALIFIED candidate?
That’s what I was thinking when the “honest broker” claimed to have offered various “themes” for the interview. If you’re having an on-the-record interview with a reporter as part of restitution for committing assault and battery, you don’t really get to dictate what the interview is going to be about, or to insist that some crappy local beer be served so that you can make it look friendly.
A spokesperson for Gianforte’s office told The Hill that Jacobs’ claims were not true,
Right, just like his claim that Gianforte body slammed him wasn’t true… until the audio came out. The only claim of Jacob’s that isn’t true is
Civil discourse and press freedoms are non-partisan issues
All we have to do is listen to the most prominent member of the GOP to know that’s not the case (I was going to say “leader of the GOP”, but donnie couldn’t even lead himself out of his own asshole unless he swallowed a whole bottle of ex-lax). But I don’t call Jacob’s a liar for that. He was just trying to shame Gianforte into a meeting.