Discussion: Reporter Among Those Surprised To Learn They Are NH Trump Town Chairs

Followed by the tRump tweet: “ANYONE WHO DOESN’T WANT TO BE ONE OF MY CHAIRS IS A LOSER!!! #YoureFiredObama

And a BRAND NEW Air Force One! tRump said the other day that Obama rides a round in “a terrible, old airplane.” Look for The Donald to immediately order a gold-plated Airbus A380 (See below) with the legend, “TRUMP: PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!”

I used to be a twin but Doctor Ben made me an un.

I shook hands with Cruz and got chronic clam hands but I’m eligible for Canadian Heathcare.

I shook with Huckabee and got slimed.

I shook with Jeb and later he told the press he wasn’t sure he meant it and still later said it might not actually have even been him.

I shook with Rand Paul then got a thousand emails from some dude named Ludwig.

I shook hands with Rubio now everything’s damp but this powder residue and I can’t find my wallet.

I tried to shake with Christie now I need bridgework.

I shook with Santorum now I smell funky.

And I saw Trump sitting in a Trader Vic’s - his hair was … perfect - now I’m a Trump precinct captain in Keokuk tho I don’t live in Iowa.


And there was the time you shook hands with five different people who also shook hands with Kevin Bacon. You know where that leaves you.

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That’s a lotta plane!

Soo typical of the dumpster…Use the known people to elicit support of the know nothings…He is really slimy user!!

Still holding my breath!!!

Extra credit for the semi-obscure reference. :slight_smile:

It’s not easy being such a tiny state with an enormously inordinate influence of national politics. Little mistakes like this are bound to happen