Early word is the good guys won this time, with a suspect in custody as the result of a Ukrainian sting operation.
That Mueller guy has his fingers in everything.
Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated?
He got better!
slightly wary of the unintended consequences of this clever charade - let’s hope that the suspect in custody is so highly valuable that the potential further muddying of the lines between fiction, intentional misinformation and truth was worthwhile.
Hopefully nobody goes all Jack Ruby on him.
Can’t wait to hear Putin’s agents sing and name names!
“Gritsak said investigators had identified a Ukrainian citizen who had been recruited and paid $40,000 by the Russian security service to organize and carry out the killing. The unidentified Ukrainian man in turn hired an acquaintance who had fought in the separatist war in eastern Ukraine as the gunman.”
Moral of story: Never hire a subcontractor to do a hit-job.
Everyone needs to know all this guy ever did was fetch coffee. Period.
“Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko turned up at a news conference in the Ukrainian capital Wednesday less than 24 hours after police reported he had been shot and killed at his Kiev apartment building.”
As this is an AP story, I’m surprised it didn’t read: “Side A claims that Babchenko is dead, while Side B claims he is alive.”
Alas, poor Susie, we hardly knew ye. In all seriousness, I’m impressed that for once, the Kremlin murderers were foiled. Putin is truly a monster and needs to be neutralized. Good on the reporter and the Ukrainian police force.
He had only received a warning.
Putin must be in a rage - likely convenes a special secret judicial panel to deal with the highly criminal act of faking a death - judgment will be harsh - penalty will be execution.
Somewhere Vlad is fuming that he was outwitted
Wow. Thank goodness this plan, and all future possible plans have been forever thwarted by this “crying wolf master-stroke”
I’m sure nothing bad will ever happen to him.
Jesus Ficking Crust.
Meanwhile, on Twitter, many American journalists are apparently very, very disappointed that he’s not really dead after they showed solidarity by tweeting about what a terrible thing it was that he’d been murdered yesterday.
I know, I saw a couple reactions that were mildly shocking in their ambivalence and I wasn’t even the guy who wasn’t killed. Did I mention they caught the SOB who was trying to kill him? John Schindler’s saying this is incredibly stupid of Kiev and a big deza win for Putin and I’m asking myself what I’m missing here.
They all look alike.