Discussion: Report: White House Pulled Flynn Out Of Speech At Defense Symposium

Trump’s financial ties and the assistance he got in the election.
Bannon and Pence’s dream of a white Christian master race waging a crusade.
Priebus/Ryan/McConnell’s fear of whatever blackmail material the Russians stole from the RNC.

All implicated. But only Flynn has the target on his back.


It’s difficult to give a speech without a head.


This is an “America has a problem because of Trump’s Russian connections” story.

While there are probably some notable exceptions in the media who share your view, I think your analysis of the media overall is on point, unfortunately. The only people who have the standing and visibility to swing that narrative in the right direction are Democrats in Congress, and you can’t affect a narrative by speaking only behind closed Congressional doors. They have to get out in public and hammer away at the larger issue of Trump’s Russian connections themselves. Squeaky wheels and all that.


Naah, the russians are going to turn in Edward Snowden to make room for Flynn in the appartment.


Mike Pence being prominent among those dominoes. Why was the Vice President vouching in full public for a known Russian mole and what effect will that ill-advised decision have on his ability to succeed Trump once he’s been removed?


The funniest thing is Snowden publicly saying that Russia wouldn’t hand him over if he was going to be thrown in prison. Naivete or denial? Probably both.


I assume we’re talking about the Kim Philby-Guy Burgess duplex here?

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And they’re doing it with a will, but, so far, to little effect. Rachel Maddow, bless her, is on it, but the AP, as usual, is particularly egregiously out front in the rush to allow Trump to pull a Christie and execute a well-timed under-bus-throw.

Granted, Christie’s presidential aspirations were killed regardless of his underbus-throw, but he’s not looking at indictments.


The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round…splat. Oops, there goes Flynn…


Flynn seems like a flight risk to me.


Twisting, twisting in the wind.


Time has come for Trump administration to move to Russia and govern US from Kremlin.


So I’ve been thinking, what if Flynn doesn’t like being outed as the Russian FSB man that we all recognize him to be? Does he start recalling the unmentionable late night parties in Moscow, and who attended them?

And would it be prudent of him to hire a reliable food taster with a geiger counter?? P.S. there may well be a cushy Administration Administration related job still waiting him to make him feel appreciated. What if Republicans got together and realize needed a lock-her-up fund and somebody to head it up, for example? Funded privately by the Koch Boys or some such sinister group?


Whatever happens to Flynn, it would be nice if nasty boy Flynn Jr. gets locked in Guantanamo and interrogated as well.

That’s been my pet theory, that he may have a copy of the golden showers video as his personal security.


Lots of people are making the point that you are, so I doubt if Flynn is the end of the story. In addition, I deduce that they are loath to cut Flynn loose because he is likely to take great umbrage at being accused of treason for something he was doing at the behest of Trump. And there were no doubt earlier communications that he could also discuss. But it does bear saying that Flynn’s love of Putin preceded his support for Trump, and it could be that he supported Trump as a way of engaging Trump on behalf of Putin. Flynn is bad in his own right, in other words.


I’ve been thinking something similar.


Quite so!

And maybe the Donald Trump Foundation (renowned for its charitable purposes), is moved by his predicament and grants him a supplementary pension, fortified by the Trump trademark non-disparagement clauses that are so standard and boilerplate in all his operations?

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No need for any of those. The only way Michael Flynn talks is if given immunity from prosecution. The man is a walking example of the 5th Amendment.


Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

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