I’m sure this is a simple misunderstanding, easily cleared up if Senator Flake pledges personal loyalty to The Donald.
I’m itching to see this sort of strategy backfire on them. Bigly.
Well, Jeff? Do you have a spine? Let’s see…
Intimidation and betrayal. Yup, hallmarks of the Trumpian way of life.
Shouldn’t have done this before the TrumpDontCare vote, Donnie. Now you expect Flake to display “loyalty” to your legislative agenda?
Democrats need to recruit aggressively for this race. They lost AZ by just 4% last November. Either a Flake wounded by a primary fight or a successful far-right challenger should be very vulnerable.
If I was Flake I’d feel pretty good about this. Let his opponent get an endorsement from America’s drunk uncle. He can run against Trump just like Democrats will.
Flake has been on Capitol Hill since 2001. He knows how to win.
Also, given Trump’s habit of reneging on deals plus all the trouble he’s in, running as Trump’s guy/gal in 2018 could be politically fatal
Et tu, Cheeto?
A successful primary challenge means it’s no longer an incumbent’s race to lose, but an open seat race. Odds suddenly become more palatable to the Democrats. They should develop a strong candidate immediately and make this race a priority.
Video of the Mango Mussolini loyalty ritual has just been released.
Careful there, Donnie, you don’t have any leverage against him. Keep this up and he MIGHT just change his opinion on impeaching you
I doubt if republicans are going to vote against Flake because he is their best bet to keep the senate seat for republicans. Flake should worry more about the election against whomever the democrat will be that challenges him.
I’m quite surprised that the WH is able to find anyone who is willing to challenge another Republican under the name of T rump. With the Donald carrying such pristine approval ratings, I’m fairly sure that Flake is quite safe in his district. From Republican’s, at least.
@rssrai, if this is the case, perhaps we should pull for Flake’s challenger. No?
Interesting test case if this goes ahead. Flake would have to defeat a primary challenger by running against Trump first. If he survived a primary – if even Republican primary voters reject Trump’s preferred candidate, that would be a pretty good indication of how toxic he’d be for the Rs in a general election, wouldn’t it?
Enter the spoiler!
If it’s true that Jennifer Rubin has come out of her GOP coma, she sure has ramped up her anti-Trampism.
ETA - it will be very interesting to see who the RNC and moneyed elites back.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the WH met with potential challenger to Sen. Flake…I was reading that as “flaky” as in any challenger willing to align with Trump is, indeed. A flake…
I wouldn’t feel good about it. Republican voters are notoriously easy to manipulate, a veritable herd of monkey-dos.
First Flake would have to get elected to the House.