Discussion: Report: WH Sent Memo To GOP Saying Trump Was 'Correct' On Charlottesville

Well, there’s the black guy who bags his groceries. Nice fella, knows his place.

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And as for the apoligia from academe published by the WaPo, it’s just the same bullshit about how breaking heads in the names of righteousness is a good thing that’s been used to market the ideology of every authoritarian tyranny or terror movement to the gullible ever.

Antifascists argue that after the horrors of chattel slavery and the Holocaust, physical violence against white supremacists is both ethically justifiable and strategically effective.

Yeah, same kind of “reasoning” used by lynch mobs and terrorist organizations throughout history.

We should not, they argue, abstractly assess the ethical status of violence in the absence of the values and context behind it.

Bullshit. Purest evil propagandist bullshit. Every blood drenched mass-murdering tyranny of the 20th Century propounded this facile eyewash. The blood-drenched tyrannies that purported to be leftist were particularly fond of it, but it was and is at the core of Nazi ideology as well. And it’s the same facile eyewash that concealed mass graves. It’s the belief system that informed the acts of every White Citizens Council and Sovereignty Commission in the south as they acted as the intelligence arm of the local Klans. It’s the common thread linking Hitler to Stalin and Pinochet to Castro.

The ends never justify the means because the end you achieve is necessarily the product of the means you use to achieve it, not what you say your intended end was.


Which I knew.

What I am getting at is that some groups spouting unpopular rhetoric cross that line of seeking to overthrow the government and/or abide by the rule of law.


Did the memo have Trump’s ego-sized, spiky, Sharpie signature on it? If so, he can count it as one of his “legislative accomplishments”.

Are these alt left dudes killing cops and inciting violence at political rallies showing their cards or are we stereotyping certain demographics?

Maybe I’m just shortsighted but those statements seem to further the obvious racism.

How could Trump possibly be wrong with his statements? The USA and its Allies spent three and a half years trying to eradicate the world of these vermin. We thought they were stamped out in 1945. Now the President of the United States of America gives life to these deplorable, hateful assholes. He just denigrated every American and their families who fought the Nazis in Africa and Europe and pissed on the graves in Belgium and Normandy, France of those who died in that struggle. As President Obama sang Amazing Grace at the SC church when one of those despicable waste of a human slaughtered people in A CHURCH!, I expected Trump to break out with Deutchland Uber Alles yesterday. What a disgusting person. If it takes violence to remove us of this cancer, so be it. We did it before and we can do it again.

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I’ve been opposed to antifa riots and other violence since the election…and still am. However, a good friend who’s an atheist Jew from the former Soviet Union pointed out to me that maybe the problem in Germany during the early days of the Nazi rise is that the Germans didn’t riot enough.

It’s a striking point. Not one I’m willing to embrace, but she makes a truly excellent point.


“The President was entirely correct …"

So correct that donnie’s unscripted rant elicited a grimace from Kelly behind the curtains.


When people used to order and plenty experience riot and disorder, they turn right, not left. Even in the face of evidence that the right was formenting violence to cause them to do that.

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“Leaders and the media in our country should join the President in trying to unite and heal our country rather than incite more division,” it said."

I want to vomit


OT but 3M and Campbell’s have now left Tramp’s “surround me with CEOs” council.


Some turn right, others (mostly the young and restless) are actually attracted by the excitement of the riots and seek to join that. We saw that during the 60’s.

My discomfort is along the lines of what’s right, but also along the lines of what’s effective. Martyrs are more effective than rioters. The massacred Kent State students spoke louder than the SDS. Images of lynchings are more effective than images of rioters or even of people fighting back. Heather was unarmed. We should be doing more with that.


This isn’t the shipping heiresses first rodeo in the White House. She was Dim Son’s Secretary of Labor under that eight year reign of error. Her families shipping company hauls most of the crap from China for Wall Mart. It’s why the National Guard was set lose on the striking Oakland dock workers before they had even gone into arbitration. Cost the corporation money and you get hurt.

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Love the ‘rocket surgery’ – perhaps the field of ‘brain rockets’ will soon have something to contribute?

President Trump’s two major councils of top CEOs disbanded Wednesday in the wake of his controversial remarks over the recent racially-charged violence in Charlottesville, Va.

Several corporate leaders had announced they were resigning from the President’s Strategic and Policy Forum as well as a separate manufacturing council in recent days after Trump was slow to condemn white supremacy groups.

But on Twitter, Trump said it was his decision to disband both councils. “Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum. I am ending both,” he tweeted.

The dissolution of the council is a major setback for a president who had cast himself as a business leader who could bring greater prosperity to companies and the economy.


Absolutely gut wrenching. This young woman journalist is a very courageous person.


Whatever happened to Ben Carson ? AWOL ?

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The next Trump rally
Heil, mein Führer!" (Hail, my leader!), or “Sieg Heil!”

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Its like you can just imagine him standing over and yelling into the face of a staffer “tell them im right and their wrong…do it”

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I guess I find myself going even farther back to the fact that this country was basically born out of violent riots and protests that eventually escalated to all out Revolution. To accept the birth of this country as legitimate is to accept that there is a point where violent riots and protest as means of social and political change is legitimate. The question then becomes where is that point?

I mean every year hundreds of thousands of students in this country are tought that the Sons of Liberty were heroes for dressing in redface and destroying millions of dollars of private property to protest a tea tariff. But if a couple store fronts get damaged when Black Lives Matter protests the murder by police of yet another unarmed blackman it discredits the entire movement?

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