It’s the acid in the coffee. Mornings like these, better to have the Kahlua or Baileys straight.
I, for one, am thankful that Your President* gave that sort-of press conference, libtards. He always tells it as he sees it!
I’m being a little selfish, here: if he EVER intentionally told the truth, or EVER intentionally said something that wasn’t completely assholish, I would probably have a heart attack, possibly fatal.
Of course, the likelihood of him doing that is on a par with the likelihood Paul Ryan NOT trying to harm minorities and the poor, every effing day, so I’m probably safe for a while longer.
As always, leave it to “The Simpsons”:
But actually, they ARE racist. They prove that on a daily basis.
As Olsen Johnson (may he RIP) would say: “Now WHO can argue with that?”
Some kind of irony that you write that just as Priebus can finally sleep in and doesn’t need his Drunken Lucky Charms.
And Trump doesn’t even speak “authentic frontier gibberish”. He speaks PHONY frontier gibberish!
O/T, but a victory against the same type of hate on display in Charlottesville. Special Session of Texas Lege adjourned. Bathroom Bill went down to defeat.
Maybe that would do it. Cringeworthy behavior at ten in the morning. Eventually Republicans will have to come out from behind the couch. What a pathetic lot.
This ‘Memo’ sounds like he’s scolding children. There is a certain perversion to humiliation.
How much more can they take? He is their president.
No kidding. It took Lying Littledick to make Kim seem rational and statesmanlike.
It’s really not that difficult. There is not an “alt-right” and an “alt-left”. There is an alt-right and then there are decent people who oppose everything the alt-right stands for. It’s not rocket surgery.
The memo asked Republicans to use similar rhetoric as the President that “both sides of the violence in Charlottesville acted inappropriately, and bear some responsibility.”
“The President was entirely correct. … Despite the criticism, the President reaffirmed some of our most important founding principles: We are equal in the eyes of our creator, equal under the law, and equal under our Constitution,” the memo said.
Yes, we have to be even-handed. Both the killer, a white supremacist, and the killed, a young woman who believed in equality, are both equal because God made them. Just like Hitler and Gandhi were two peas in a pod.
(There once was a time when invoking Hitler seemed a bit hyperbolic. But now that they´re defending Nazis from the WH, it seems perfectly à propos.)
No, he speaks THE BEST frontier gibberish. Get it right, will you?
Ever since we heard that Russia was supplying tech to North Korea, the most reasonable theory is that this is mere play acting as with Assad.
Nah. He speaks genuine Bridge and Tunnel gibberish.
From Gizmodo: "Godwin of Godwin’s Law: ‘By All Means, Compare These Shitheads to the Nazis’ "
Major newspapers are dropping the term “alt-right” and just calling them white supremacists and neo-Nazis. It might not make much impact to us, but I have some older colleagues who never really appreciated the evil of these guys while they were masked by the euphemism.
@dommyluc That line sounded like Dolly Parton to me, except Dolly Parton is a national treasure and Elaine Chao is just a competent appointee in a cabinet full of dunces.
I just read that Elaine Chao, wife of Kentucky Senator Turtle Mc Fuckhead and current Trump regime corrupt Secretary of Transportation, showing her support for both her Fearless Leader and her terrapin spouse:
“I stand by my man, both of them,” she orgasmically stated.
It sounds like a line from the movie “Airplane”.
I love the euphemisms they’ve been using for so long as not to offend Nazis or Klan members. Who wrote THOSE journalistic style rules? I mean, I’ve been openly gay for as long as I can remember, but I don’t remember any journalists calling me and my fellow gays “Alt-heterosexual”, fearing that they might offend our delicate fee-fees.
Or Police Academy. It’s all gibberish, all day. Imagine if it was funny. Never mind.
The talking points also suggested that Trump, “with no ambiguity”
Our Idiot in Charge can’t even order a tuna on rye toast off a lunch menu w/o being ambiguous.
“Rye? Give me something other than Jew bread!”