Discussion: Report: Trump's Meme About Clinton Appeared On White Supremacist Site

Just shameful.

Especially to do it on the day of Elie Wiesel’s death.


I hope this marks the “pivot” from candidate back to classless charlatan.
A “gaffe” like this would have led to calls from criminal investigations, if a Democrat were responsible.
Is Aravosis active now? He knew how to organize campaigns against public figures who crossed the line like this.


Just what I was thinking.


Isn’t Trump’s daughter Jewish (converted)? So, Donald J. Trump wants to screw his corrupt (because she’s Jewish) daughter. What an immensely fucked-up family.


Maybe that’s why he did it.


If nothing else, Trump’s campaign makes it easy to prove that complaining about “political correctness” means “Stop criticizing me for saying/doing horrible, bigoted things that are no longer socially acceptable.”


Even though I’m Jewish and a Trump hater, I thought that this whole episode was overblown. Now, having followed the link, there is little doubt that this use of the six-pointed star was intentional on the part of the most vicious sort of anti-Semite. And this won’t be the first time that Trump has gotten his “information” from a neo-Nazi or racist site. What the f is Trump doing hanging out on neo-Nazi/racist web sites? At the very least, he appears to be a Nazi sympathizer. What low scum is Trump and even lower, his supporters. Low-life scum.


Lewandowski was lying? Clutch the pearls.


So the larger story is that the Trump campaign mines supremacist sites for clever marketing ideas?


You beat me to it with this thought. But you express it better.

When I see things like this, I don’t think it speaks to the candidate’s/campaign’s antisemitism (though they’ve demonstrated it before - see Trump’s AIPAC remarks) as much as their competence. Any normal campaign would have a social media person who was savvy enough to 1. not to tweet a Magen David on a pile of cash when calling your opponent corrupt and 2. know enough to right click and do a Google image search to make sure the meme didn’t come from a freaking white supremacist website.


I’m curious who is finding this racist memes. I could believe that Trump himself is checking for cute anti-Hillary pics and so forth, but it’s probably someone else, and probably someone in the family—no 1/10 serious campaign staffer would make these bloopers. Who is it? Ivanka? Jared?

@percysowner (below me by one). When did actual criminality become necessary for Repubs to call for an investigation?


This is totally disgusting, but I don’t think it’s criminal. Now sending the email solicitations to foreign politicians, that is criminal and should be investigated.


Now if this “gaffe” has any real fall out and leads to further calls for the GOP to dump him – who do you think he’s going to blame? Some incompetent underling or the powerful jewish media? He will never personally apologize or take any responsibility. Maybe he will just trot out his daughter again to testify to his tolerance.


I thought maybe this was an unthinking gaffe on the part of some graphic artist on the Trump staff when they put the Star of David “burst” in the image. Similar to putting “10% Off!” in a burst on coupon, although usually you don’t use a six pointed star.

But now, to find out in originated from white supremacist site and his campaign doubles down it by slapping a circle over an intentional Star of David (and not covering the point at the bottom), it actually makes it much worse. They didn’t look at and say, “Where did this come from? We can’t use this.” They actually thought that the message was OK as long as they got rid of the Star of David.

Imagine the stink from Trump and the Republicans had Hillary repurposed some anti-Trump propaganda from a Muslim Brotherhood site. It would be the end of her candidacy and the Democrats would be scrambling to find another candidate before the election. For Trump it’s going to be “Oh, well that’s Trump.”


My husband asked why Trump was not going after blacks like he is Muslims and Hispanics. After pointing out that The Donald had been going after Obama with Birther insults for eight years now and that he regularly re-tweets white supremacist sites, he remarked that Trump is nothing but a coward…afraid to take on blacks directly.

Now Trump is doing the same with Jews…insults them in more creative ways? I guess he feels he can get by with being a bigot if he’s cagey about how he does it? My husband is a older white male (Democrat) who obviously didn’t know what The Donald was up to these days.

We really have to not only get out our vote but make sure they are being informed of what the Republicans are doing under the radar. Trump’s bombastic remarks are just the tip of the iceberg.


I’m getting sick of looking at the Trump Kardashians. Those women act so entitled that Ann Romney might be confused these days as a patron saint.


Yeah, the point still being visible at the bottom is one of three things that confirmed for me that this image wasn’t something that the Trump campaign created, but rather had to come from an outside source. The point wouldn’t be there if the campaign had created the image, because they could easily just remove the star and replace it, instead of superimposing a larger shape on top of it.

(The other two things that confirm it for me are that the circle has so much larger a footprint on the image than the star - the star only came to Hillary’s hair, while the circle reaches the corner of her eye - which is another sign that they didn’t have the ability to just remove the star and replace it, which they would be able to do if they had the original file; and that the font changes from the star to the circle, which is only something you’d have to do if you didn’t know or own the original font used in the first place.)


trumpet’s son-in-law is Jewish, lusted after daughter converted,and they have three little Jewish kids. But somehow I can’t see the kids calling their grandfather zayde.