No worries, Donnie, they’ll have adjoining cells.
I’d say that’s a rational and prudent decision. Bra-fucking-vo, Scoopie.
Well, that’s a kind of pivot, I guess.
Hope his lawyers are doing this on a pre-paid basis… Otherwise it’ll end up being Pro Bono…
This is the first outward sign that Trump knows he is going down hard. I was wondering when he would start to crack.
President Donald Trump signaled to his inner circle that he doesn’t think his legal woes will end when special counsel Robert Mueller’s report drops,
Oh, I hope not.
Either that or pro bonobo, which is latin for ‘for the chimp’.
Love it.
Where’s Karen Carpenter?
“We’ve only just begun.”
Report: Trump Wants His Lawyers To Stick Around Post-Mueller Probe
And Post-Impeachment, and Post-Conviction
The term is ‘sealed indictment’ and it’s pronounced Bwahahahaha!
It still creeps me out seeing this jackass boarding Air Force One - even if it is the downstairs entrance. Must have been windy with another bad hair day.
Does he think having them still on the payroll will stop them from writing the inevitable books?
Don’t know where you are but 100 miles north of D.C. the wind’s been 30, 40 mph gusts since yesterday.
That’s interesting - it’s been the same way here and we’re what - 1500, 2000 miles away?
Are white house lawyers paid during a government shutdown? Asking for a friend…
I wonder what the ‘over and under’ will be on the number of Trump administration tell all books. Way way more than the OJ trial!
These aren’t the WH lawyers, it’s the Guiliani crowd.
This is another feel-good story. There’s been whole day of feel good stories. I love this. O I love this so much. You will need those lawyers, motherfucker, I’m amazed you finally got that.