The bombshell? Rump has proof that FuxSnooz lies, all the time.
Sounds a bit blackmaily.
Popcorn futures continue to soar. There is still time to get in on this once in a lifetime opportunity…
Why the FBI didn’t call him to investigate Hillary’s e-mail server is the true mystery. I mean, from 147 agents, to 12 agents, they could have saved themselves the trouble if they had Trump on speed dial.
Trump also has all the incredible things his team found out about Obama’s birth certificate in Hawaii that he plans to release as soon as Obama gets the Democratic presidential nomination
Iran should probably just surrender right now. No rug merchant can stand up to this kind of negotiating/blackmailing prowess. And he already has bombs!
That settlement reportedly involved Fox News shelling out “millions” for Lewis to go quietly, with Trump netting everything the ex-Ailes confidant “had planned to leak.”
The world these people live in and have created for themselves is fucking creepy.
(Note to TPM: Your “Log-In” request gremlin is still stalking us sometimes – and then when we click to “log-in” the danged page never downloads.)
Can Trump help me with my noisy neighbors across the hall (who also fucking smoke in there!) of whom the landlord seems oblivious? Is he really The Wizard?
Well that’s a new one. A presidential candidate engaging in open extortion while on the campaign trail. Makes a fella wonder what his presidency will be like.
As Arsenio Hall used to say, “Things that make you go ‘Hmn.’”
I wonder if sometimes when Fox news takes a really weird stand on something that may not even be newsworthy, that it’s because money changed hands. Payola may be illegal for music, but what about opinion masquerading as news?
Which to this day not one member of the media has confronted him about. Just another example of the media’s tacit approval by failure to address racism within the GOP.
Who is Donald Trump?
Suicide Bomber
Trojan Horse
Trump and the GOP are so repulsive. We really have to get out and vote in November.q
The Donald eats a half dozen Easter eggs —
Clears the building — News at 7 —
You seem to have missed the memo from Chuck Todd. It is no longer the media’s responsibility to challenge the veracity of what people say. The task of the media as they see it now is to repeat exactly what people tell them without changing a hyphen or a semicolon. Whether it is true or not is not their concern. You seem to be living in a different era, one populated by the likes of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite
Whatever. More pie throwing and seltzer squirting from a person who’s more cartoon character than actual human being. It’s pointless and boring, in the end. He’s probably going to lose in Wisconsin tomorrow and that’s probably the end of this clownery, in the sense of his chance of getting the nomination, no matter how long the show goes on.
Yeah, a bit blakmaily in the same way Trump sounds a bit racist or Charles Manson sounds a bit crazy.
So, maybe Donald actually does have a reason to be wearing armor.
This sounds juicy and exciting, but I gotta wonder: if these “bombs” were the kind of dirt that would kill Fox’s credibility with conservatives (and therefore, REALLY hurt Fox where it counts–in its GOP trustability levels and ratings $$$) , he would have already spilled the beans to peel off Fox-heads who are angry with Fox for, oh i dunno, failing to issue in permanent Republican rule or whatever they think a news network on “their side” ought to do.
Since he’s sitting on it, Makes me think it’s more likely some RWNJ crapola that anyone skeptical of Fox already kinda assumes they say/do behind the scenes. Maybe enough the embarass but not really damage Fox or Trump with their respective groups of loyal fanatics.