You can’t make up shit like this.
Hell NO.
With Trump’s rampant Twitter use, might as well grant Top Secret clearance to every human in proximity to a computer or smartphone.
You know, just so we can talk about national security stuff over Sunday dinner. It’s not like we’re going to put it in an email.
Like someone on Laurence O’Donnell’s show said last night, this is playing out like a sitcom where dear old dad is in and the kids get to come along, too.
ETA: At least that’s the perception that the PE (formerly HO) has. Remember, they also thought that the White House came fully staffed with West Wing Staff.
I think it’s partly due to the fact Trump can’t keep his damn mouth shut. You know he wants to be able to run national security questions by his kids – he is approaching this position as if it is just like that of a CEO. He is wholly unprepared.
And there is absolutely no conflict of interest with the kiddies having clearances and running the businesses.
These grifters have no shame.
In all seriousness what’s the precedent for this? Has this ever happened before in modern history? Why would they even need it if they have no position in the White House or Government?
Also, does the First Lady automatically get Top Secret Security Clearance? If not, why isn’t Melania on the list?
How much money would it take for all of them to go away? I think we could strike a deal and fundraise around the world.
I’m sure that someone who actually has some experience in clearances will weigh in here.
EAST wing staff, but otherwise spot on.
Look, Putin has top security clearance now, effectively.
Yes, sir, drainin’ the old swamp…
And replacing the water with raw sewage, it would appear.
Trump: “You see, what we had in mind is making the White House a subsidiary of the Trump Organization (like Trump Steaks or Trump Airline, or maybe a golf course, or a casino for high rollers). The sheeple voted for me because I’m such a great business success, I’m very rich, and the Trump Organization is so greatly run. So, my kids are part of the Deal. Everyone knew this.”
Ivanka is “besties” with Wendy, former wife of Rupert Murdoch, now reportedly Putin’s squeeze. She introduced Ivanka to Jared Kushner. They took a vacation together during the campaign - how does she get a top secret security clearance? (and how the hell did Trump get to play Rolling Stones tunes at his rallies? Because Mick Jagger’s former partner Jerry Hall is now married to Rupert Murdoch? Maybe he actually paid for something for once. . .)
Giving top secret clearance will not “possibly” lead to a conflict of interest, it will definitely lead to it.
The Trumps themselves have declared that they will play no active role in the administration. Therefore they will have no accountability.
Personally, I’m not surprised.
After centuries of bashing Hillary over what could have happened with her email server (but didn’t), it’s only natural that Republicans would make leaks of national security secrets a certainty.
First priority, a new line of fashion accessories for our ladies in uniform. Then who knows. The possibilities are endless.
Ivanka will market flammable hijabs - an offshoot of her flammable scarves line.