Discussion: Report: Trump Requiring VP Hopefuls To Submit Taxes Even Though He Hasn't

Donnie doesn’t follow the rules, he makes the rules! And they don’t apply to him.


Don’t tax you.
Don’t tax me.
Taxes get reported.
But not by me.


Is he going to look at the fruit salad of their lives?


Talk about your double standard…

But, of course, he only wants to reassure himself that his VP picks are less mega-rich than he is.

And by not submitting his own taxes, he doesn’t have to show anyone that he in fact has been wildly exaggerating his own supposed wealth. Which, like other things about him, may be smaller than advertised…


He is a proven charlatan, and when he isn’t lying, he is hiding the truth, yet the morons still follow him. Amazing!


This reminds me of press behavior prior to 2000 and in the build to Dubya’s war, downhill rollercoaster in slo-mo.


Has Donald provided his birth certificate yet?


Why not? After his claim of “sending private investigators” to Hawaii to look for President Obama’s, it’s the least he could do…

Unless there’s something fishy he doesn’t want us to see…


And of course the old do as I say not as I do…plus he wants someone that can pay his bills!


Romney, too, required multiple years of tax returns from VP hopefuls he was vetting, although he only released two years of his own taxes to the public.


“Richard Nixon made his [tax returns] public while under audit in the midst of the Watergate investigation.”

Trump: More corrupt than Tricky Dick.

Quite the bumper sticker…


Nixon had more years of practice as a political figure. Donald’s still learning.


Do as I say, not as I do. The mantra of charlatans throughout history.


Donald Trump ~ Benito Mussolini ~ Il Duce

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Well, Trump doesn’t intend to release VP tax returns publicly, so it is all good on the hypocrite scale.

Wouldn’t this requirement for the VP job come under some federal discrimination clause?
I know I would be upset, and may even sue, if an employer asked for my tax returns. But I suppose Trump would not be the actual employer paying the salary here. Still, it doesn’t sound right.

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I understand each word yet when I read them in this sentence, they make no sense to me.

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All the popcorn would taste so good if the DNC hadn’t rigged the nomination for Hillary, thus making it actually possible that a Trump Presidency could happen.

Thanks, DNC!

I am getting so crazy by seeing that orange face, that I want to put my fist right through my $2000 computer monitor!

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This is just so Herr Trump can make sure that none of them are richer than he is.
Can’t have that now can we.

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Because you see…he’s The Donald and everyone (even a wife or two) and I mean everyone is second to his wants and needs…because he’s “The Donald”. He sees himself as a king, the boss and by God everyone has to kiss his stubby fingers.
He thinks “Why do we hafta have a goddam vote? I mean I’M The Donald!!!”