Sadly, using the word “sincere“ lends Mikey and the Missus a patina of respectability. There are people who “sincerely“ believe black people are less than human or Jews are a curse to be elimated by any means necessary. There is no respectability to these beliefs, nor to Mikey‘s and Mother‘s belief that LBGTQ people are subhuman or broken or deserving of consideration.
(Oh, yes, and liked the idea of Bannon being “leased”…!)
The story here is that he not pooping in the woods like a good bear would, he’s shitting all over the White House.
And directly on Pence, while he’s at it.
Somehow we have to find a path to survive with Trump in office until the 2018 midterms usher in a Democratic Congress to check whomever succeeds him after the impeachment. The only silver lining is that any Republican will be too tainted by association to inflict much further damage.
The one guy tRump can’t fire, even if he wanted to. Must drive tRump absolutely batty knowing Pensive Pence is in the wings waiting for the day he believes he’ll be taking over…Pence, months ago, probably already measured the new drapes.
I wonder if the conservative theocrats who so love Donnie will lose some enthusiasm for him over this. After all, by mocking pence, he’s mocking them.
I doubt it though - no reason trump’s dignity-stealing has to apply only to those who work for him. It can apply to his voters as well, if not to the same degree and not with the same publicness.
Don’t ignore that Trump CHOSE Pence precisely because he figured that would be his insurance against impeachment. It’s to Trump’s advantage to keep reminding people how dangerous it would be to try and get rid of him.
Well, what do you expect? The Asshole-elect has the brain of a third grader and is a playground bully, and Pence is a born again asshole with no balls. Great combo!
It’s like the masochist who says: “Beat me.” And his sadist boyfriend says: “No.”
I believe that’s why Dante had many levels in Hell, believe me there are a lot of levels, some people didn’t know that but it’s written that there are many levels in Hell.
“I’m concerned he’d be a President that the Kochs would own,” Bannon said.
Compared to:
I’m concerned he’d be a president that PUTIN would own" I said
<---- ----->
which way is it?