He’s a businessman and it’s what you do. And a fucking genius, no less.
He’ll spin it and say he really put one over on those terrorists by charging them double, or some such bullshit.
Oh, this ought to play well with his base.
Tough negotiating?
@skippykaos Actually, my guess is he doesn’t even respond to it. There are so many stories whirling around Trump right now that this one is probably way down on the priority list. Miss Universe feeding into “The Apprentice” story this morning, the Cuba deal, and of course, his tax leak.
This however, is one of those stories his opponents in the primaries should have brought up, instead of cowering out of fear of upsetting the precious feelings of his supporters.
Iranian outreach!
Tim Kaine is licking his chops in anticipation of a course of Skewered Pence
I really don’t know what Pence is going to do tonight. Because there is literally no policy topics he can turn to seek save harbor. Hell, even the few vague stances that Trump has that he calls policy…Pence has a history of being against them.
That’s my guess on what Kane will be working on…pointing out the differences between Pence pre-Trump and Pence now, while tossing in a non stop barrage of points about current stories swirling around the Trump campaign that Pence would very much like to distance himself.
Genius! He WaS kEeping tabs on RadicaL Islam terrorism while OhbUmmer couldn’t eVen say the worDs I’m a radical islaM terrorRist!
? HE wants to probe Women’s vaginas. So Does tRump. For different reAsons buT at leasT they are On messagE.
Can you imagine if any Dem had even one dollar of stock in a company that rented office space to terrorists?
I love that all his dirt is being dredged up. I hope this ruins him. I’m rooting for complete and total ruin.
“I’m not saying that Trump has ties with Iranian terrorists, but some people are saying it!”
Christie: He’s a genius! Every dollar he took in rent from Iranian terrorists was a dollar not spent on terrorism!
It would be the issue of the year.
Him and his whole family.
So just to update the scoreboard for those watching at home
Trump does business with Iran
Trump supports Sharia law
So Trump is pro Muslim
Trump does business in Cuba
Trump loves ex-KGB/current Russian strongman Putin
So Trump is pro communism.
Trump calls our military thieves, our generals rubble and attacks Gold Star families
So Trump is anti-American military
And THIS is the republican candidate???
Hey Donnie … “What’s in your pocket?” … or is it “Who’s pocket are you in?”
Death by a thousand cuts…
Couldnt’ happen to a more deserving racist/bigot/misogynist.
Trump: “Do as I say, not as I do.”
In his case, it is suicide by a thousand cuts. All the previous wounds have reopened and are beginning to fester.
Extreme. Vetting. EXTREME. VETTING.