Discussion: Report: Trump Pledges To Campaign For Midterms As GOPers Fear Tough Fight

That is the whole point. It is the only thing about the job that he seems to enjoy.

He’s told of the problem (perhaps in cartoon format, so he could understand) - and two-fer - he can ‘save the day’ by holding dozens and dozens of rallies! Cuz he’s so genius that only he can save these elections.

Ya, he’s a moron.

And democrats across the nation respond: Bring.It.On!


President Donald Trump promised last week to campaign for Republican members of Congress after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) warned him that the political landscape is not in their party’s favor

A sincere “Thank you” to the gentleman from California.


No kidding. I made a comment last night about the last year, then since 12/1, then last week. Then here we are with this Nuclear Panic. It is like this ball of malignant flesh has bunched decades of nightmares, anxieties and fears into one short, condensed period of time. You can’t find something strong enough to give you that effect.


If the Dems do win the House, only 24 seats needed to flip, I believe they would. Yet people seem to expect Leader Pelosi to start the gloating right now before victory is assured. Subtlety is undervalued.


Yes, here’s hoping someone leaks that “slide presentation.”


Good recall on Grimm saying to an opponent that he was “going to break him in half, like a boy.” That had to be one of the weirdest, disturbing, sado-pedophile comments I’ve ever heard a politician say. What a sick man. Where would he even come up with that image? Interesting, but not surprising, to see Grimm back supporting Trump.


Senator Grassley got an earful - mostly anti trump, in rural Iowa this week.


See, I just don’t think he’ll care. As long as someone can slap together a roomful of screaming, cheering deplorables, he’ll be as right as rain. It won’t matter that his routine isn’t working, he won’t give a damn about polling, or how badly he’s hurting his party because he only cares about himself. And doing rallies and appearance feeds his ego, so he’ll keep doing it even when he’s asked not to.


That was always the problem with the tax break when it came to the GOP. Even if they had passed it the GOP were still going in to the mid-terms attached to horribly unpopular legislation and an incompetent president… As such, the donors were never going to commit as much as they usually do to campaigns because of the threat of the Blue Wave. If their donations were going to end up being wasted anyway in an electoral there was no point to donating.


Yep, old Senator Grasshole was clucking away like a chicken knowing it was about to become Sunday dinner…


Whatta shithole…


Via Laura Rozen’s twitter feed. Something is going on with the WH Press Corps in Fla.



Playing golf, just let us squirm?
Soon, loafer Trump,
we worms will turn!

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There is no such thing you know.

I don’t care what they say about the weed - you only get so high and no higher and if you want to get delusional you’re going to have to switch drugs.

Try some acid, PCP, or psilocybin. hahahahahaha


No argument with any of that, but call me a dreamer and a mooncalf but I can imagine a day when even the deplorables change the channel. They don’t care about how awful he is, no, they like that. But if he starts seeming like a loser to even them—and they’re quite possibly a fickle bunch, just a guess there—they may start staying away in droves, and not being as gratifyingly enthusiastic if they stick around. I’m just thinking it’s in the realm of possibility that the romance may cool down. It’s been known to happen with him before. If the little guys realize they’ve been conned, it’s look out below. Just saying.


Fabulous, corn-fed word salad by the guy on the government tit (his description) for 40 years. If an unorganized protest can draw this much heat, imagine how much an organized one will with all those pissed off women looking for answers and continuing to get deflection salad from the man my Senator made look like the toady he is.


DiFi did good! Grassley on occasion takes one step towards decency - then backslides towards two steps deeper into the muck.


Awesome! They’re not sophisticated but they know a crazy person when they see one. Love ya, Iowans! The boy ain’t right, you see that now mmmmmwah! XOXO


Yes she did and I think it’s safe to say that at least in the short term we won’t hear any talk about how she’s too old to do the job though she’s only six months older than Grass who is demonstrably unfit for the job.


I was posting that yesterday and it was a remarkable thing. He had booked that Town Hall in a rural area he thought would be completely safe for him and walked into the propeller, to continue that metaphor from yesterday. These were mostly Trump voters - he carried the district by double digits.

And the questions were well informed.

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