Mitch’s beard is not a Nazi, at least. What I recall of her, she is just a run of the mill Republican. There could be worse person picked.
‘And welcome to another exciting episode of ‘Drain the Swam!p.’…,’
I know, so it seems like maybe Priebus had Trump’s ear last.
Or, did he mix up her up with some other Asian woman who’s been on reality TV?
Guaranteeing the cooperation of Senator Yertle (R-Turtle) for all of Hair Fuhrer’s projects.
Every appointment will be pandering or payoff. That’s the only language HO speaks.
Mrs. Turtle! Of course. Because she did a splendid job as Secretary of Labor in the bush regime.
It was the bush way. rump’s a quick learner in that regard
Why does he need Yertle’s help? Glad you asked…
Trump’s Brain’s (Bannon’s) plan is to bribe the “working class” (read: poor whites) with a trillion dollars or more in infrastructure spending, accompanied by tax breaks on the builders of for-profit infrastructure (i.e., the payoff). They will then cheerfully go back to wage slavery in manual labor, and happily vote for Massah Trump for giving them all this Greatness again.
Basically they’re going to steal the Democrats’ main issue, rebrand it, then take credit for it and declare themselves the saviors of the working class – even as Republicans opposed massive infrastructure spending back when the Dems proposed it for years:
Oh FFS! This is getting ridiculous.
Julie Chen?
But he said that he was going to drain the swamp.
Newt n Hannity had an argument about how Mitt was a prime ex of the swamp.
However Mrs.McConnell isn’t?
Who could forget her way of spinning all those dismal employment reports? A master of the “Slippery Political Tongue”.
Talk about draining the swamp. . . . NOT. Just another political hack but this time married to an old hack, Senator McConnell.
As I’ve learned in previous days from the NYT and WaPo, she’s an example of Trump moving to diversify his cabinet. It makes me feel like I’m the dishing-out end of an abusive relationship when I see things like that because I want to smack them around until they behave. As you often say, Sigh.
This will neuter McConnell. Thank god.
And wait a minute! That’s a foreign name! Are we sure she’s in the country leagally?!?
Umm, this could get awkward if Trump treats Mrs. McConnell the way he treats every other woman. Seems like a potential powder keg to me.
Thank goodness, you missed the tweet that had a reporter trying to explain away Steve Bannon’s racism,
This current act is going to be awhile
Chao also served as deputy secretary of transportation under George H.W. Bush. She is the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
“Elaine Chao?” Not “Elaine McConnell?” Remember when Hillary Clinton went by either Hillary Rodham or Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republicans got the vapors?
And I’m sure his constituents will be delighted to see how Trump is providing jobs to Kentuckians, even before he’s taken office.