Next, let’s hear that one of them calls Trump a “short-fingered vulgarian”.
And Mitchell reported that the report left Pence "fuming.”
Well, that’s not hard to do, considering that Pence was already fuming before the report came out:
I guess the truth really hurts.
Life can offer some rude surprises when you step outside the universe of alternative facts.
Wait until Mother Pence tells Pence that the wording was “FUCKING Moron.” Poor things will be all worked up with the vapors.
Why is Pence fuming? That’s he’s too much of a moron to have thought of it first?
What the hell had Pence got to be upset about? He wasn’t called a moron. Or was he?
What are the odds Putin lets the Dotard can T-Rex ?
Wait. Trump doesn’t know he’s a moron? I thought he knew. Everybody else knows.
Does he know he’s a dick?
Umm office pool is what day not if.
Yup-. After the Iran Deal is decided to be useless, there won’t be any need for Tillerson or any SoS at all.
Pence is a moron himself, and he never pretends to be anything else.
Apparently no one who gets close to Trump respects him or likes him. Not only does he not inspire anyone, he brings them down to his level.
As he loses some of these third rate advisors, I dread to know who’s going to replace them. Isn’t that why we ended up with the glorious Mooch for 11 days?
[quote=“pshah, post:7, topic:63344, full:true”]
Why is Pence fuming? That’s he’s too much of a moron to have thought of it first?
[/quote]To Pence, Trump probably seems to be a reasonably intelligent, informed person who is focused like a laser on the critical issues facing the country.
Tweety is reporting that Dolt 45 just tweeted about the “storm before the storm.” Tillerson firing coming up?
Pence was pissed because his involvement was made known. He can’t claim ignorance of the matter if it’s publicized that he talked T-Rex off the ledge. My Pants doesn’t want any sTumpy stink on him when he finally makes it to the big chair.
Trump was pissed because, well, he woke up that morning and still the entire world wasn’t kissing his balloon-shaped ass. And that’s President Fucking Moron, thank you.
I think Trump delights in being a dick.