Discussion: Report: Trump Infuriated By Haley’s Remark That Accusers ‘Should Be Heard’

Poor Nikki, she just can’t win. She says something completely innocuous over a situation she can’t change which is shredded here and then her boss take to ridiculing her. She’s thinking back home in South Carolina is looking better.


An MSNBC panel was recently talking about the few, relatively capable people wanting to leave the Trump administration before it blows up with some chance of mitigating damage to their reputations. Powell was the first, but one person said that according to his sources, there are at least six more who are looking for the exit.

It must be brutal working there, but that’s what they get for signing on in the first place.


Goading Trump into firing her is the best move Haley’s got.


Trump is a cyberbully and a bore.


“Believe me, Baldrick, eternity in the company of Beelzebub, and all his hellish instruments of death, will be but a picnic, compared to five minutes trapped at a Trump holiday party.”


Well, he would but all those depositions would cut into his teevee viewing time.

Oops, I mean Teh Documents. All the very, very, bigly important Documents.

@cd - perfect karma would be him being taken down by his history of sexual assaults and the emails proving his conspiracy to steal the election!


Will the War on Christmas NEVER end?!?

@spencersmom Trump taken down by his sexual assaults, Pence taken down by AOL emails to his rent boy.


You found it.

Trump’s new Nickname for Haley will be…



Well, in fairness to MyPants, he can be alone with boys. It’s him being alone with girls/women that crosses the line with Mother.


I saw that panel and thought it was great. A little OT, but it drives me utterly insane when people on those panels act like Sarah Sanders and others are somehow performing an act of great selflessness by continuing to work for this administration. They say things like, “She’s got a really tough job.” Working third shift at Waffle House on the weekends is a tough job. Lying to the country everyday for a half hour isn’t. And can we please stop pretending SHS is being chained to the podium with a gun to her head? She chooses to do this. This is her choice. She makes that choice every day she gets up and goes to work. And it’s really a slap in the face to working people who have to go to terrible jobs in order to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. She’s not a victim, and I really wish the media would stop treating her like one.


Last night on MSNBC some Republican shill was saying that Haley had to have cleared her comment with Dear Leader because she is such a team player. The person on the left just laughed and said the Feebleminded Fraudster would never have agreed to her saying such a thing. Personally, I think Haley has little to lose. She’s a rising star in the party with ambitions, and she’s not likely to get much more mileage out of the UN gig. If she’s fired it will be to her credit among around 65% of the voting population. And with the predicted wave of resignations coming, she’ll be in much better company than the sycophants remaining in the White House can provide.


Furthermore, she sure seems to enjoy it. Sad creature.


That ship sailed—and sank.

Their reputations are in tatters already, and nothing will make those reputations whole again.


They’re republicans. The scum rises to the top every single time.


Memo to Haley: Check whatever self-respect you had as a woman when you go work for Trump.

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There must be NO sympathy for any of these scoundrels crushed and humiliated by Trump. Each was well aware of the level of boorish mendacity and latent criminality that Trump was hauling into the White House, and they lined up anyway!

Utter humiliation and career-ending shame must be their final lesson!


She is borderline unemployable.


If Nikki could listen in here, she’d feel it. People do a lot of things to further their political careers, and maybe we’re seeing the beginning of hers unwind. It usually starts slowly but ends in disgrace. And if she leaves, she’d be about the 30th person to leave in under one year.


Actually, perfect karma would be Trump taken down for peddling nude pics of Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Blake Farenthold. Sublime karma would be him being taken down for peddling nude photos of Farenthold to Sanders.


Donnie is furious again? …sigh…