Discussion for article #242424
Because vulgarian.
Does CBS have enough money to pay for a wall?
the process is complete. The GOP debates will now be nothing more than a televised PR event. No hard kweschins allowed. The Fox-ification of something that was supposed to inform the electorate.
Running for President is not a business negotiation even though 92% of current candidates across the parties think it is.
inform the electorate=
Talking to an incontinent poodle.
I suspect this is how The Great Negotiator finally exits the stage with a semblance of dignity.
I’d like to make a well thought out comment but … HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
“that the details of each debate be shared with the candidates a month before the event.”
Does that include the questions that will be asked?
This is kinda hilarious I suppose. They all get together and he still poops on them. He’ll now do some superficial negotiating and claim sole credit for everything.
One could only wish that the networks would, at some point, call their collective bluff. Don’t hold your breath though.
Apropos the nothingness among the wannabes…
Why…because it makes him the center of attention all over again,and he can’t stand not being that.
The headline over the story says “Trump Rejects Joint Letter…” then proceeds to just explain what the letter is. The headline over the comments is “Trump Campaign to Negotiate…” which seems like it might be some information that could have been included in the actual story.
Mavericky is baaaaack!
Egomania, megalomania, self-righteousness, on parade. And these people want to rule our country?? It’s disgraceful.
Could this have ended any other way? I’m just waiting for the real firework to begin when Trump tries to cut more people from the Big Kids Table by limiting it to the top 5 or so.
Be interesting if there was a Smaug to go against Godzilla…
All of the questions will be submitted by the candidates and delivered by Fox News Honeys. Not Erick
Erickson or Rush, they might go off track. Sample question, : “Why are Democrats wrong to talk about income equality”?
That’s because we’ve finally reached the point where the headline writer at TPM doesn’t even fake reading the article anymore.