Discussion: Report: Treasury May Be Intentionally Crippling Senate Intel Committee Probe

My Congresswoman doesn’t even have to call the police, the building’s landlord does it. Her office is an office building tucked into a very small office park where there are no sidewalks. So if one wanted to stage a protest there is no place to stand. You can’t stand in street, there are no sidewalks and the parking lot and grass are all owned by the landlord.
Last term she complained about being harassed because protesters showed up at her house, which does have sidewalks. They protested outside her church, which does have sidewalks. She seemed especially upset when protesters used sidewalk chalk to leave messages on the sidewalk in front of her house.


Its spelled… IOKIYAR.

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They are trying to impeach Rosenstein for not turning over documents, Mnuchin should also be impeached for the same thing. Rosenstein has a reason for defying a committee, Mnuchin does not.

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Lock them up! Lock them all up!

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Subpoena the records and demand immediate response… since the request may be months old.
Subpoena Mnuchin as well. He can even bring the documents with him.
Playing by the rules and playing ‘nice’ do not work.