Discussion: Report: Treasury May Be Intentionally Crippling Senate Intel Committee Probe

Is “slow walking” obstruction or just not in hurry to get to the end of the story?


Hey Dick Burr following the money is always the most important investigative path.

So if it hasn’t been already, when do the subpoenas get issued? Contempt of Congress (of which we all share a little these days) is not to be messed with.


As has been posted many times, “a fish rots from the head down.” We have a very rotten fish at the top of this criminal conspiracy, masquerading as a Presidential Administration.


Devin’s busy …


Well, the Nunes House committee already wrapped up their investigation, and they didn’t need any of this stuff. So, what’s the big deal about being a little slow … or not producing it at all?


“The delays have led some personnel within the department to believe the reluctance is intentional”.

Intentional? No! Not possible! Surely not! Steve Mnumskull is an honorable man. So are they all, all honorable men and women.


OK, Treasury obstructing is bad, but aren’t we supposed to wait for the Mueller probe before more of Trump’s Congressional cronies get ahold of evidence and bollux up the investigation?

Either way, Mueller’s evidence will land in the Senate for conviction proceedings after the House impeaches Trump.

The sad thing is that this is probably true. It’s just that now we know he also takes short breaks to authorize cover-up for Trump malfeasance…

If we don’t LITERALLY hang them THIS TIME we will never survive as a nation.


I think his boat, rod and stringer are more than adequate. I’d like to see him land a bigger fish with the equipment he has.

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“Clovis police were called and the building housing Congressman Devin Nunes’ office was locked during a rally for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security on Tuesday,” the Fresno Bee reported.

Thanks for posting this. I saw the headline yesterday and passed right on. I thought Nunes had said something sane about why calling 911 to report people of color for having the temerity to be seen in public was a bad idea. No, it turns out that his staff makes a habit of calling the cops to keep his unhappy constituents away from him. I am so happy he has unhappy constituents!


Mnuchin does realize his wife will not put money on his books if he goes to jail?

It would appear they didn’t look up the penalties before they went off traitoring, either. I, for one, hope they suffer the maximum penalty available when their sentences are handed down.


I prefer Drain the Tramp.

YOu’d better hope the Democrats are in control by that time. Otherwise, the Russians might let them live.


GITMO. It’s what Republicans crave.


Hey Icho! Quit reading my mind!

And in November we’ll come to bury them.