Discussion for article #244490
This is a man we revere…
Opportunists, I understand. But morons mystify me.
So they have left one asylum for another?
“social conservatism, economic conservatism and strength on national security” does indeed form quite a (pile of) stool…
rats fleeing a sinking ship…
Yeah, Cruz is crazy. Like a fox.
All hail Reagan’s stool!!
The smart move:
There are a lot of bat shit crazy and evil people who are smart. Cruz is just one of them.
I suppose there’s a obligatory ‘He’s still running?’ joke to be had here…but at this point if your name isn’t Trump, it applies to all of them.
Again, its a REALLY bad idea to fire/force out your campaign manager and top aides less than a month before the first vote is cast. Ripples effects can sometimes be tsunami size.
Carson may not even make it to Iowa.
he’s still running but its because they’re having trouble locating an adequate supply of Kaopectate…
Will Colbert soon be saluting more fallen? Has he completely missed the ones who quit over the break?
Cold, calculating and cunning maybe, but not smart.
He’s like a lizard doing his best to climb towards the highest spot on the rock.
Put a fork in him!
It took lurid terrorist incidents to wake these lackwits up to the fact that a President needs to know stuff, that there are threats in the world he or she has to have some strategy and tactics for. Being an avuncular Bible-thumping half-insane doctor isn’t enough, they now realize. The guy who does have the needed knowledge and skills? Fucking Cruz. Because it isn’t about national security at all. It’s about rushing to support the craziest guy who hasn’t yet fatally beclowned himself. It’s just a sad thing to see.
The respect given to Carson is based on a mistaken belief that doctors are highly knowledgeable. Physicians are good at some things: 1) They memorize well - getting thru med school requires that you memorize a lot of stuff. This does not mean that you know the underlying science - just that you can memorize the outcomes. 2) They do diagnosis well - this is a process of reverse engineering likelihoods (or Bayesian revision for the knowledgeable reader). 3) The surgeon personality in particular is generally one to watch out for - to be a surgeon requires that you have a great certainty that you are right, and the confidence to cut into the brain (for Carson) having put doubt aside. As a president, a surgeon would be a very dangerous person, since he would make up his mind on an issue, and be utterly unmovable after that. We want the POTUS to be a little less certain when he looks at the aids carrying the football.
This does not mean that a physician knows much generally - physicians are no more intelligent about most things than a normal person. They are basically the same as car mechanics. We give them a lot of credit since they fix us. That credit is due, but not generalizable to other areas.
He’s NOT ONLY running but LEADing IN Most UNSKEwed POLLs. THese DEPArtures sERVE as Further PROOF that BEN CArsON IS SURGIng NOT only IN NEw Hampshire, but EVERYWHERE. AMerica IS SICK OF THE PREtenDer-IN-CHief libtarD OHBUMMER and is REadY FOr it’s FIRst native-born BLAck PResident!11!!!1!!one!11!!!
According to Ben Carson, Jesus told him to run for President.
Who knew Jesus was so good at punking morons?
Sickles added that following the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Carson supporters are now looking for someone with more national security experience.
Because Ted Cruz has that, in spades, apparently?